Republican Gov Eric Holcomb vetoes bill banning transgenders from women’s sports

Someone sent me a message on the President's threat to veto a bill that bans trannies from participating in women's sport. Below is my reply that some of you might find interesting. On that email thread were quite a few ladies. So far, none of them have replied. It's a bold assumption on my part but I don't expect any of them to reply.

For once I agree with something that President Poopy Pants wants to do. Women wanted "equal rights" without equal responsibilities and equal sacrifices. Well now, they got it.

They made their own bed so let them lay in it.

Ever since I was a young boy I've had to stomach the bovine excrement from feminists, lesbians and libtards about whether a woman should be permitted to do ANYTHING a man can do. If that hypothesis is true and if equal rights are to be recognized for all the sexes genders then men must be able to have it both ways as well.

I've often joked about declaring myself a woman so I could grapple with ladies on the wrestling mat but never dreamed someone would have the (expletive deleted) to do it!

I wonder how many of the women now complaining about lost awards and opportunities ever bothered to speak out for the discrimination we men have endured for decades.

Not only have I had to listen to the shrieking banshee bitches bawl for "equal rights," I've suffered from lost promotions, job opportunities and awards because someone without a (expletive deleted) and was blessed-in-the-chest got the placement above me.

Keep in mind these women and minority men were not as qualified as I was and didn't have the experience in my field. Nor was their performance any better. I was discriminated against because I am a white man.

For the over two decades I spent in a military uniform I had to listen to the Rambettes complain about being excluded from a combat MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). The split-trail soldiers screamed for their "right" to serve in combat. Yet, I had to run faster, do more sit-ups and pushups for the PT test than they did.

On my first day of military service, they shaved my head. The question usually came up about why heads were shaved. The answer was that it was because of sanitary necessity.

Oh really? So they were implying that women were cleaner than men.

Whoever said that has never had to do janitorial duty in a women's restroom. Yours's truly has had that dubious honor and I can state with a great degree of scientific certainty that a man's aim is better than a woman's. Ladies, I think some women can possibly levitate but need more practice with hovering and bomb releases.

The issue isn't about anyone having a right to serve in combat. The question should be, who can be COMPELLED to serve in combat? A few years ago, several men in Texas sued the Federal Government saying that the Selective Service System was discriminatory because only men were forced to register; not women.

The case made it all the way to the SCOTUS who refused to grant a Writ of Certiorari. It takes four justices to grant certiorari. That's how many leftist justices were on the SCOTUS. Not one voted for certiorari. If the leftists had their panties on fire for women's "equal rights" then why didn't they vote to hear the case?

I don't know who tacked on the amendment but the language to require women to register for the Selective Service was removed from the last National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Where were the feminists with their burning bras to support the amendment to the NDAA?

Don't talk to me about supporting "women only" sports until they have to be forced into harm's way. If the government can draft fathers, sons and brothers they can draft mothers, daughters and sisters.

The Ukraine is begging for fighting personnel. Where are the virtue-signaling feminists? Why aren't they volunteering to fight in the Ukraine? That country, by the way, is letting women leave but not military aged men.

By the way, I will give a thousand dollars to the first feminist that can protest for "women's rights" in Afghanistan and make it out alive. Which brings me to the next point. Why aren't women fighting back at the Taliban? It's because they aren't strong enough.

Some of the more liberal-minded women might counter the strength argument with a statement like "women can't fight the Taliban because they have all the guns."

That's a good point. Now remember that when you vote for anything that's anti Second Amendment. Wouldn't it be nice to have the same weapons that Poopy Pants gave the Taliban?

If some of you are still reading, then you might be agreeable to a draft for both sexes but want to carve out an exemption for mothers and pregnant women. Whoa now! Let's hold on to your IUDs. Let's not get hasty about this now!

What about those exemptions? There are millions of men that would love nothing more than to be full-time dads and see their ex-wives go off to war. My ex-wives were worse than any rag-headed terrorist I've ever seen. At least you can negotiate with the terrorists! Let some of the mothers leave the children with the fathers while they go off to war.

If they had to be drafted and the exemption existed for mothers they would be popping babies out faster than a gumball machine with kids lined up full of nickels in their pockets.

Women in this country like to chirp like budgies on steroids that they are "strong and independent" or "stunning and brave." All that chirping stops when the check for dinner arrives, they have to open a jar, change a flat tire or walk into divorce court.

Then they are the weak, mild, victimized little girls who can't fend for themselves. They demand (and get) the house, savings and half of the man's retirement. Even worse is that they get the kids.

Don't tell fathers like me to man up and be a dad. We've tried only to be overruled by lying women and female judges. We've been locked out of our children's lives. Then they turn into little LGBTQ freaks with purple hair, more ink than a Bic pen factory and metallic facial ornaments.

Most despicable is a woman's evil penchant for lying as fast as they will hop in the sack with another baby-daddy to get their way in front of a judge. And it's usually a female judge. Need I say more? Over two thirds of divorces are initiated by women. Why? It's because they know they can win.

It's usually the women who vote for libtard democrats that protect the sex offenders and pedophiles. The breasted banshees cry for compassion and mercy because the poor little kiddy-fiddlers were molested themselves. I've been robbed, beaten and lied to. I didn't like it then and won't do that to anyone else. So why does a victim turn around to be the victimizer?

So why do the flashing perverts on Main Street get a pass? Why are the rapists given probation instead of a cell in the State Penitentiary complete with a horny Bubba that has a hairy back? Why do Children's Protective Services send children back to child molesters? It's all because women have voted for the lawmakers and judges that promote that evil.

Watch the videos of "Drag Queen Story Time." Take a count of who the parents are. It's the mothers that are promoting that evil. If the fathers had their way we could make stoning great again and stop exposing innocent children to Satan's spawn in spandex.

So talk to me about "women's rights" when they have to register for the draft. Talk to me about "women only" sports when child support and alimony are abolished. Talk to me about the need to "protect" women after the 19th amendment to the Constitution is repealed.

With all that said, I doubt that I would ever intervene if I saw a tranny with a bulge as big as a soccer ball in his crotch walk into a women's restroom.

I can hear some of you ladies calling me a coward and lacking chivalry. It's not that. If a man like me were to intervene the tranny would be on the ground, bleeding and carried away with a sheet over his head.

Why don't the women stand guard, armed and ready by the door to the ladies' room? Why won't the women stand up and face a grand jury when they are charged with murder, assault or violating someone's "civil rights" after they've taken care of the tranny problem? Go ahead ladies, let's see one of you face a jury after you've put a lead suppository up a tranny's butt.

Count me out for protecting women's sports. I'm going to watch the show with a big bowl of buttered popcorn.
If they had to be drafted and the exemption existed for mothers they would be popping babies out faster than a gumball machine with kids lined up full of nickels in their pockets.

Was this written in 1960? No way you’re getting a gum ball for a nickel today.

Just poking fun.

It was a good read, but I just always respond with the message below:



Men’s sport and spaces should not be excluded.

A woman’s space and privacy is sacrosanct.
A man’s space and privacy is trivialized……

And this whole BS that if a woman sees a man’s genitals her vagina explodes, is just playing into the left’s narrative that men are inherently evil. Most of these women if they had as many sticking out of them as it had stuck in them, they look like a pin cushion.

This battle needs to be fought on its merits not playing the lefts game of demonizing the male gender.

It is short sighted not to see the issues arising from biological women in men’s locker rooms, competing in mens sports. These men are already pussified enough. What is more traumatizing, the sight of a penis or having to see a hacked up purple haired biological leftist female with a surgically manufactured penis? 😱
Not all women that play sports think or ever thought this is a good idea, hell even Jenner says this is a bad thing and he is a poster child for this trans stuff.

Really sorry to say men and women are not the same, men have in general larger hearts to pump more blood to muscles, larger lungs, and larger muscle groups. Just nature, and the women know this.

There is some thing in (I think) Oz called net ball, kinda like basket ball but no back board. It is an all female thing. A group of men put together a team and went to court to play.....and they let them play and they cleaned house on the females, taller stronger faster just wins. And the outrage was amazing. The men never said it, but you could tell it was to make a point.

As to the entire trans thing, the older I get the more Libertarian I seem to get. You do you and I will do me, I don't want to see it. As to what you do in your bedroom I only have three rules. Human, Adult and willing. Past that as long as I don't have to see it I don't care.

Sports in general, you know why they are doing it, it is the same reason you do not see women that trans to men in men's sports. Kinda makes ya think.

It is going to destroy sports, women are IMHO inside of 5 years time are going to say the hell with it all, and you will see the death of many female sports. Yes there are woke idiots in women sports, there are woke idiots everywhere.
Really sorry to say, those differences are the VERY LEAST differences between women and men. I learned about it in grade school science.

The fact that you call yourself a libertarian is either irrelevant in terms of adults doing whatever they want, or central to this whole ethos. It isn't that they're not free to dress as women and pretend to be what they are most certainly and provably are not. It is that they now require you to pretend with them or you are everything evil that exists in the world. This ought to be simply retarded view that is rejected by the body politic. The reason it isn't is that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that is rarely, if ever, all by it's lonesome in the pathology of mentally ill people. More often than not it is part of a panopoly of mental illness that ranges from manic depressive, to depressed, all the way to full blown schizophrenia. Youare not arguing simple issues of liberty with rational people. You are trying to argue with crazy people who are not at all rational, and they're insisting that you pretend along with them. Nope.
Men’s sport and spaces should not be excluded.

A woman’s space and privacy is sacrosanct.
A man’s space and privacy is trivialized……

And this whole BS that if a woman sees a man’s genitals her vagina explodes, is just playing into the left’s narrative that men are inherently evil. Most of these women if they had as many sticking out of them as it had stuck in them, they look like a pin cushion.

This battle needs to be fought on its merits not playing the lefts game of demonizing the male gender.

It is short sighted not to see the issues arising from biological women in men’s locker rooms, competing in mens sports. These men are already pussified enough. What is more traumatizing, the sight of a penis or having to see a hacked up purple haired biological leftist female with a surgically manufactured penis? 😱
I would say that is because many women still cleave to the traditional (and Biblical) notion of modesty, while guys (like me) are more than happy to waive at you with our peckers and laugh about it. I grew up in Scandanavia going to nude beaches where if you wore a bathing suit it was weird. There was nothing sexual about it whatsoever. People just didn't use them, and traditional notions of modesty simply didn't exist there.

The influx of Turks in the 1980s didn't end that every beach was a nude beach, it ended going to the beach altogether. It's now too dangerous for a woman to go to the beach and wade through the sea of Islamic men in their leather jackets hanging out there.
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I would say that is because many women still cleave to the traditional (and Biblical) notion of modesty,
Good points but I would contend it is because AMERICAN women want to be “special”. They never wanted equal. Just look at the women journalists who battled their way into men’s locker rooms then cried sexual harassment.

So called Conservative women are the freakin worst and we let them get away with it. They have riden in on the femimist wagon only to stop just short. They want to have all the perks of being a man but retain the perks of being female. “Biblical modesty”? Sarah Huckabee showing cleavage at the Whitehouse podium is modest? Why do high heels, mini skirts and cleavage belong in the modern conservative workplace, while at the same time if a man comments on how nice they look he is crucified.

At least, with a purple haired leftist, you have some idea where the boundaries begin and end. What conservative women they just make it up as a go. Megyn, Kelly can’t say the word “mansplaning” enough. This is a word that shouldn’t even remotely be tolerated in conservative circles. It is a leftist word that basically means I don’t like “you”.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not at all a puritanical prude, but if we’re going to take sex out of the workplace, I think we need to talk about how women dress and that includes conservative women. But I digress.

Time and time again, I see conservative women on Twitter, get into the scrum, and then when a guy goes back at them ‘tit for tat’, they cry foul and start talking about how that man treats a woman. These women don’t act like women, they act like men with vaginas.

Men need to stop saying hey, anything goes when it comes to attacking or invading our spaces but we’re going to protect women’s spaces at all cost. This is the same thing that they did with the unholy alliance between Democrats and Republicans on abortion. Welfare, unreasonable child support, putting men in jail, ruining mens’ lives, glorifying single motherhood, is all a product of Republicans saying “Hey, we will do anything, anything, anything just don’t have an abortion”. Now we are doing the same thing in this transgender debacle. Mark, my words men are going to come out on the short end of the proverbial stick on this. Men’s sports will eviscerated by this leftist ideology and women’s spaces will be sanitized.
Time and time again, I see conservative women on Twitter, get into the scrum, and then when a guy goes back at them ‘tit for tat’, they cry foul and start talking about how that man treats a woman. These women don’t act like women, they act like men with vaginas.

Well as I had a bit of a "discussion" with some folks here, for example they think it's perfectly fine for a female to hurl insults and abuse and slurs to some male, but the moment the male simply answers them back exactly like they just talked, OMG a bunch of white knight wannabes are desperate to come out of the woodwork to beat up the male who simply stood up for himself and answered in like manner.

Typical brainwashed men who have been programmed to be slaves and doormats to the whims of women.
America is simp city.

All I need a woman for is for pussy. Should I choose to add to the population, I’ll just knock a chick up and pay child support. Much cheaper than marriage where you have a 66% chance of divorce, losing half your shit, and still paying child support.

I lol when I see women trying to lift heavy things (pretty much anything over 50 lbs for the majority of women) and never offer help anymore.

Plus I have all of my money.

Literally me right now:
Well as I had a bit of a "discussion" with some folks here, for example they think it's perfectly fine for a female to hurl insults and abuse and slurs to some male, but the moment the male simply answers them back exactly like they just talked, OMG a bunch of white knight wannabes are desperate to come out of the woodwork to beat up the male who simply stood up for himself and answered in like manner.

Typical brainwashed men who have been programmed to be slaves and doormats to the whims of women.
Obviously this isn't in the US and the "white knight" phenomena isn't restricted to the west. Also notice that the white knights took the other guy down who didn't even slap her.
I thought women were equal? Is that not a thing anymore? So confused:ROFLMAO:

What I don't like is that someone's daughter has to compete with men for scholarships in sports. Not really cool, but maybe one day the idiot left that doesn't know that there are differences between men and women will suffer the pain from their shitty decisions.
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Someone sent me a message on the President's threat to veto a bill that bans trannies from participating in women's sport. Below is my reply that some of you might find interesting. On that email thread were quite a few ladies. So far, none of them have replied. It's a bold assumption on my part but I don't expect any of them to reply.

For once I agree with something that President Poopy Pants wants to do. Women wanted "equal rights" without equal responsibilities and equal sacrifices. Well now, they got it.

They made their own bed so let them lay in it.

Ever since I was a young boy I've had to stomach the bovine excrement from feminists, lesbians and libtards about whether a woman should be permitted to do ANYTHING a man can do. If that hypothesis is true and if equal rights are to be recognized for all the sexes genders then men must be able to have it both ways as well.

I've often joked about declaring myself a woman so I could grapple with ladies on the wrestling mat but never dreamed someone would have the (expletive deleted) to do it!

I wonder how many of the women now complaining about lost awards and opportunities ever bothered to speak out for the discrimination we men have endured for decades.

Not only have I had to listen to the shrieking banshee bitches bawl for "equal rights," I've suffered from lost promotions, job opportunities and awards because someone without a (expletive deleted) and was blessed-in-the-chest got the placement above me.

Keep in mind these women and minority men were not as qualified as I was and didn't have the experience in my field. Nor was their performance any better. I was discriminated against because I am a white man.

For the over two decades I spent in a military uniform I had to listen to the Rambettes complain about being excluded from a combat MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). The split-trail soldiers screamed for their "right" to serve in combat. Yet, I had to run faster, do more sit-ups and pushups for the PT test than they did.

On my first day of military service, they shaved my head. The question usually came up about why heads were shaved. The answer was that it was because of sanitary necessity.

Oh really? So they were implying that women were cleaner than men.

Whoever said that has never had to do janitorial duty in a women's restroom. Yours's truly has had that dubious honor and I can state with a great degree of scientific certainty that a man's aim is better than a woman's. Ladies, I think some women can possibly levitate but need more practice with hovering and bomb releases.

The issue isn't about anyone having a right to serve in combat. The question should be, who can be COMPELLED to serve in combat? A few years ago, several men in Texas sued the Federal Government saying that the Selective Service System was discriminatory because only men were forced to register; not women.

The case made it all the way to the SCOTUS who refused to grant a Writ of Certiorari. It takes four justices to grant certiorari. That's how many leftist justices were on the SCOTUS. Not one voted for certiorari. If the leftists had their panties on fire for women's "equal rights" then why didn't they vote to hear the case?

I don't know who tacked on the amendment but the language to require women to register for the Selective Service was removed from the last National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Where were the feminists with their burning bras to support the amendment to the NDAA?

Don't talk to me about supporting "women only" sports until they have to be forced into harm's way. If the government can draft fathers, sons and brothers they can draft mothers, daughters and sisters.

The Ukraine is begging for fighting personnel. Where are the virtue-signaling feminists? Why aren't they volunteering to fight in the Ukraine? That country, by the way, is letting women leave but not military aged men.

By the way, I will give a thousand dollars to the first feminist that can protest for "women's rights" in Afghanistan and make it out alive. Which brings me to the next point. Why aren't women fighting back at the Taliban? It's because they aren't strong enough.

Some of the more liberal-minded women might counter the strength argument with a statement like "women can't fight the Taliban because they have all the guns."

That's a good point. Now remember that when you vote for anything that's anti Second Amendment. Wouldn't it be nice to have the same weapons that Poopy Pants gave the Taliban?

If some of you are still reading, then you might be agreeable to a draft for both sexes but want to carve out an exemption for mothers and pregnant women. Whoa now! Let's hold on to your IUDs. Let's not get hasty about this now!

What about those exemptions? There are millions of men that would love nothing more than to be full-time dads and see their ex-wives go off to war. My ex-wives were worse than any rag-headed terrorist I've ever seen. At least you can negotiate with the terrorists! Let some of the mothers leave the children with the fathers while they go off to war.

If they had to be drafted and the exemption existed for mothers they would be popping babies out faster than a gumball machine with kids lined up full of nickels in their pockets.

Women in this country like to chirp like budgies on steroids that they are "strong and independent" or "stunning and brave." All that chirping stops when the check for dinner arrives, they have to open a jar, change a flat tire or walk into divorce court.

Then they are the weak, mild, victimized little girls who can't fend for themselves. They demand (and get) the house, savings and half of the man's retirement. Even worse is that they get the kids.

Don't tell fathers like me to man up and be a dad. We've tried only to be overruled by lying women and female judges. We've been locked out of our children's lives. Then they turn into little LGBTQ freaks with purple hair, more ink than a Bic pen factory and metallic facial ornaments.

Most despicable is a woman's evil penchant for lying as fast as they will hop in the sack with another baby-daddy to get their way in front of a judge. And it's usually a female judge. Need I say more? Over two thirds of divorces are initiated by women. Why? It's because they know they can win.

It's usually the women who vote for libtard democrats that protect the sex offenders and pedophiles. The breasted banshees cry for compassion and mercy because the poor little kiddy-fiddlers were molested themselves. I've been robbed, beaten and lied to. I didn't like it then and won't do that to anyone else. So why does a victim turn around to be the victimizer?

So why do the flashing perverts on Main Street get a pass? Why are the rapists given probation instead of a cell in the State Penitentiary complete with a horny Bubba that has a hairy back? Why do Children's Protective Services send children back to child molesters? It's all because women have voted for the lawmakers and judges that promote that evil.

Watch the videos of "Drag Queen Story Time." Take a count of who the parents are. It's the mothers that are promoting that evil. If the fathers had their way we could make stoning great again and stop exposing innocent children to Satan's spawn in spandex.

So talk to me about "women's rights" when they have to register for the draft. Talk to me about "women only" sports when child support and alimony are abolished. Talk to me about the need to "protect" women after the 19th amendment to the Constitution is repealed.

With all that said, I doubt that I would ever intervene if I saw a tranny with a bulge as big as a soccer ball in his crotch walk into a women's restroom.

I can hear some of you ladies calling me a coward and lacking chivalry. It's not that. If a man like me were to intervene the tranny would be on the ground, bleeding and carried away with a sheet over his head.

Why don't the women stand guard, armed and ready by the door to the ladies' room? Why won't the women stand up and face a grand jury when they are charged with murder, assault or violating someone's "civil rights" after they've taken care of the tranny problem? Go ahead ladies, let's see one of you face a jury after you've put a lead suppository up a tranny's butt.

Count me out for protecting women's sports. I'm going to watch the show with a big bowl of buttered popcorn.
A fucking men....and awoman haha
I would say that is because many women still cleave to the traditional (and Biblical) notion of modesty, while guys (like me) are more than happy to waive at you with our peckers and laugh about it. I grew up in Scandanavia going to nude beaches where if you wore a bathing suit it was weird. There was nothing sexual about it whatsoever. People just didn't use them, and traditional notions of modesty simply didn't exist there.

The influx of Turks in the 1980s didn't end that every beach was a nude beach, it ended going to the beach altogether. It's now too dangerous for a woman to go to the beach and wade through the sea of Islamic men in their leather jackets hanging out there.
I was at a conference center at Lakeway, TX. that overlooked the pool area. There were a bunch of people swimming in what looked like Spider-Man costumes with only their faces uncovered until it dawned on me they were muzzy women in full body, wet suits.

Their menfolk would stone them to death otherwise but then go and hang out in topless bars. The 9/11 highjackers spent the night before drinking an a titbar.
To me this isn't about the He Man's Woman Haters club. I don't like a leftist feminist anymore than the next man, and part of me agrees that this is the obvious result of them pretending there is no difference between men and women (a lot more than physical strength). I refuse to play pretend with women or men pretending to be women. Why the fuck should I have to choose between two different mental illnesses and ascribe to one or the other?

But, this has gotten me to think more about "tolerance". This is what we were taught back in the 1980s in public school. It's still how a lot of us look at the world. We don't agree, but we don't want to seem "intolerant". Looking back it was probably a really bad idea, because look at where we are now. This whole thing is a cultural spiral, as what was true 1000 years ago is just as true today. Nothing has changed, period.

Republican Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb angered conservatives this week when he vetoed a bill designed to protect women’s sports from transgender activism.
That sentence should read: Criminal Democrat wing of the Republican party Establishment RINO Gov. Eric Holcomb...
womens' groups supported all the lgb bs so no sympathy


I love it. You wanted it, here you go.

Did a little research. Evidently only 8 women have dunked in NCAA division 1 history. Some have dunked multiple times, but still only 8.

My kid is 5’11”, he can dunk easy.

Women can’t compete with men.

I can’t wait for it to get worse.

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Well one of the benefits of this whole trans BS is that women are being shown that despite their feminist delusions, they cannot compete with men physically. A biological male enters their sport and SMASHES all their records.

Something to think about is some of the positions we place women in where the stakes are the highest and there is no "tapping out".
I personally commend any woman willing to do the deed. They should not be demined because of the presence of a vagina.

Hell I personally enjoy having some vagina around.
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I was at a conference center at Lakeway, TX. that overlooked the pool area. There were a bunch of people swimming in what looked like Spider-Man costumes with only their faces uncovered until it dawned on me they were muzzy women in full body, wet suits.

Their menfolk would stone them to death otherwise but then go and hang out in topless bars. The 9/11 highjackers spent the night before drinking an a titbar.
They must not have truly believed about the seven virgins😂😂
This x1000% if women don't want to compete against men then don't compete it's that simple if every women on the team stuck together and decided not to compete then this issue would fix itself.
I tend to agree here. But most high school kids, boys or girls are competitive at top levels for 2 yrs, ruining a year or two is a huge impact on them.
College level different, but if you are competing at a D1 school, most likely it is assisted, losing that by not playing may mean going home. Like all shit today, not a simple issue.
I'm with sirh above, lose the package, see which of the twinks want to play now.
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