RESULTS (80 entries) Rayners August 2012 LR Match


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Sep 3, 2009
East side of Ohio
Time again for another Rayners 1000 yard steel plate match. Dates are Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th. Signup starts at 9:00AM. Usually 60 to 70 shooters will shoot over two days with targets from 234 yards out to 1000 yards of various sizes and values. Three classes, rifles with optics, rifles with metallic sights and Handguns.

Short clip on Youtube showing the targets we shoot at. A couple have been changed since this video was made and some stations have smaller higher valued targets along with the normal ones you see on the video. Shooters call the target and are scored accordingly.

Benches at each location and also room to shoot prone. Cost is $20.00 with 36 rounds needed for the match. The match only takes one day to shoot but is offered on both days to get more shooters thru. Nothing over 338Lapua allowed. They also got in another batch of their LR match T-shirts in various colors and sizes.

Don't keep putting off trying out the long range steel, bring what ya got and you'll be surprised how much help will be available if needed. Spectators also welcome but remember to bring hearing protection.

Re: Rayners August 2012 Long Range Match

Not unless you get there thru the week before the match. You can go up on the hill at the 200 yard range and get your zero for 100, 200 or whatever but not on the match targets. If you know your velocity, bullet and other specifics a JBM printout will get you on all the targets.

A bunch of us are going down tomorrow (wednesday) to tweak and take some new shooters that have never been there before. We'll be there around 10AM if you wish to join us. You can call Tom and see if it'd be OK to go down before the match and get zeros for all the targets.

Re: Rayners August 2012 Long Range Match

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Topstrap</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Not unless you get there thru the week before the match. You can go up on the hill at the 200 yard range and get your zero for 100, 200 or whatever but not on the match targets. If you know your velocity, bullet and other specifics a JBM printout will get you on all the targets.

A bunch of us are going down tomorrow (wednesday) to tweak and take some new shooters that have never been there before. We'll be there around 10AM if you wish to join us. You can call Tom and see if it'd be OK to go down before the match and get zeros for all the targets.

Topstrap </div></div>

Must be nice, some of us unspoiled individuals don't get a chance to tweak
.. Just busting your balls big man.
Re: Rayners August 2012 Long Range Match

Hello, we are thinking about coming down for the first time. Is there a list of target yardages so we can make up a dope sheet before we get there, or is it a UKD course?

We've been shooting at TVP for a few years now and thinking about trying something new.
Re: Rayners August 2012 Long Range Match

Position 1:

First set of targets:
500 yards

Second set of targets:
590 yards
600 yards

Position 2:

First target:
235 yards

Second target:
400 yards

Position 3:

First target:
300 yards

Second target:
375 yards

Position 4:

First set of targets:
900 yards

Second set of targets:
990 yards
1000 yards

Position 5:

First target:
630 yards

Second target:
700 yards

Position 6:

First target:
650 yards

Second target:
720 yards

Some stations have multiple targets with score value based on size. Smaller equals higher value. Six shots per station with three shots at each position of targets. Thirty six shots needed for the match.

Look forward to seeing you both there.

Re: Rayners August 2012 Long Range Match

Had a great turnout for the August Long Range match, EIGHTY (80) shooters came to challenge the long steel in what looked like perfect conditions. You'd see the windflag blowing one direction at the target but you'd need exactly the opposite correction for a hit and even then by the time you chambered another round it'd either drop to zero or change direction. Made for some interesting shots and lots of frustration, way more to reading wind and setting up your first shot than watching a distant flag.

Some great scores were shot including a 390 by Jim Elk, that 400 milestone is so close. Also had quite a few new shooters show up and the ones I got to chat with found it quite challenging. Tom's assortment of smaller high value targets at some stages are sometimes too much to resist which leads to a lot of ZERO scores after center punching a larger one beside it. Personally I had a great time as usual even with all my misses, another big THANKS to Tom, Carolyn and the crew for a great place to shoot, great food at lunch time and just being great folks to be around.


O = Optic H = Handgun M = Metallic

Rayner’s Long Range Match Aug. 25-26, 2012

1. Jim Elk O (6x47L) 390
2. Joe Wesley O (6.5) 375
3. Dan Wolfe O (260) 370
4. Chris Michael O (6xc) 360
5. Frank Holtzhauer O (260) 340
6. Dave Arbenz O (260) 335
7. Dennis Kirkpatrick O (260) 330
Hollie Michael O (6.5 CRDM) 330
8. Dave Moore O (6.5 CRDM) 325
9. Kyle Wolfe O (260) 310
10. Jim Lochary O (22-250AI) 305
Dale Taylor O (223) 305
Dale Taylor O (260) 305
Todd Thompson O (6MM) 305
11. Dave Arbenz O (6.5x284) 300
12. Jeff Preston O (260) 295
13. Pat Brate O (6.5x47) 285
Zac Coffing O (338) 285
Bob Fellows O (6BR) 285
Dustin Gerdau O (260) 285
Jeff Raymond O 285
14. Michael Moore O (6.5 Lapua) 280
15. Randy Wise H (6.5x47) 270
16. Bob Breeden O (300) 265
Luke Wells* O (243WSSM) 265
17. Jim Elk O (6mm) 260
Dustin Gerdau O (260) 260
18. Merritt Roseberry O (7-08) 255
Tom Steelesmith O (308) 255
19. Jim Bragg O (6.5EXT) 250
Hollie Michael O (6xc) 250
20. Mark Bruckelmyer O (6.5x284) 245
21. Carl Duvall O (6.5CRDM) 240
Mike Hess O (7MM-08) 240
Lawrence Leaman O (250) 240
22. Jim Lochary O (243AI) 230
Rube Perkins O (280) 230
23. Randy Roblin O (25-06) 225
Tom West O (243) 225
Brian White O (6.5) 225
24. Jesse Rayner O (243) 220
25. Ed Gudgel O (6MMBR) 215
Bill Leeper O (6xc) 215
Dan Piatt O (300RUM) 215
26. Craig Wickham O (6.5 CRDM) 210
27. Josey Rayner O (7MM-08) 205
28. Ray Brewer O (308) 200
Larry Friel O (308) 200
29. Dave Callipare O (260) 195
30. Rick Geraci O (7MMCRDM) 190
Joe Leaman O (308) 190
Dave Miller O (309) 190
Stan Watson O (6.5CRDM) 190
31. Daniel Wolfe O (308) 185
32. Mike Cooper O (308) 180
Don Grigsby O (260) 180
Lawrence Leaman O (7x57) 180
Gary Morris O (30-06) 180
Wayne Powell O (308) 180
Tom Rayner O (7MM) 180
Cris Rensi O (260) 180
Brenda Wolfe O (308) 180
33. Barry Blacksten O 175
34. Brad Bishop O (308) 170
Mike Cooper O (223) 170
John Jordan O (308) 170
35. Steve Toth O (300) 165
36. Jonathan Stottsberry O (264) 155
37. Jim Wolf O (308) 150
38. Ken Deisch O (6MMBR) 140
Terry Vineyard O (243) 140
39. Aaron Thompson* O (6MM) 135
40. Jan Collins O (6.5-06) 130
Jason Fry O (308) 130
41. Margaret Jordan O (308) 125
Mark Michael O (6.5CRDM) 125
42. Peanut Wilhelm O (260) 120
Jim Wilson O (308) 120
43. Tom Rayner O (223) 100
44. Harry Duell O (308) 30
Re: Rayners August 2012 Long Range Match

I had a blast shooting with you guys again yesterday!
Thanks for posting the scores up so quick, and thanks again for the good info and assistance. I hope we can get a range day scheduled before too long.