Results Topstraps Rimfire Challenge


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Sep 3, 2009
East side of Ohio
I want to thank everyone for coming to my little Rimfire match and also want to thank those that helped with spotting and painting targets between rounds. It's very much appreciated. The scores for some were down but shooting these in reverse is a lot harder if you don't have perfect settings and are a bit less experienced with conditions. I think everyone did very well and much better than I had anticipated.

We finished up the first and possibly the last (or maybe not) Jim Lochary reverse rimfire match and had a really good turnout with 33 entries. Had a couple windy times, not real bad but just enough to cause a few hits at the smaller targets competitors had to shoot at first instead of big to little which gives shooters a chance to dial in as you go instead of having to be perfect on the first shot. For this match with limited sighters shooting in the calm was a definite advantage.

I think everyone enjoyed it although it was sure different going right to left and smallest to largest on most stages. Next month will be back to a normal style match so don't let this one scare you off. I bought some "strike anywhere" wooden matches but I guess it's the old discontinued red tip matches that strike easier than these green/white ones. There were hits that barely creased the edge or tops to dead center on the head but only Chris Kirkpatrick got a good roll of smoke come up off of one but it didn't light. It was late in the match and everyone was so excited to see some smoke they all declared it a light and gave him the only 2 point bonus instead of a 1 point for a hit. I'll try and locate some of the old red tips or if someone has some I'll gladly buy them off you for a later special stage down the road.

Scores were better than I thought they'd be, it was supposed to rain nearly all day Sunday so I shot late on Saturday starting at 8:30, finished up at 9 and if I had to go a couple more minutes I'd have needed a flashlight to gather things up, the reticle was nearly invisible the last couple of stages but managed to look kinda sideways thru the scope and get it done. A lit reticle sure would have been nice.

Randy Wise won the match, he shot his Anschutz Exemplar pistol great as usual and only missed 2 targets. I kid him about being the King of the nickers and he won the match with a hit on the 1/4" wide by 3/4" tall bowling pin at 100 yards worth 3 points. It jiggled ever so slightly watching thru the spotting scope but when I went to paint it there wasn't a mark on it but it moved so it counts for points. My Son says maybe we had the paint a bit thick on that target and he took off a layer. Great shooting Randy, you keep us on our toes. Looking back I'd have given $20.00 to have nicked that 3 pointer and given Randy some challenge. Maybe next month. :)

Cuda Gatten shot his first perfect score with his H&R model 12 with peep sights, was great watching him work his way thru the 4 moa targets. Derrick also shot his first time using peep sights and did exceptionally well for not having settings and never trying it before. He's gonna be tough. Congratulations to both. Bob Merillat also shot a great match this month getting all his bonus targets. Another great performance was by Kylie Patton shooting her new CZ 457 AT-1, an 8 year old Junior that just started shooting. Last month we let her shoot the 7 1/4" sighter plates but that was too easy. This month she shot the 4 moa peep sight targets and she did great. I wouldn't doubt she'll be shooting the regular match targets within the next match or two.

Two shooters got all 10 of the first stage at 197 yards. 1 inch up to 10 inches, I let shooters check their 50 yard zero then went for it. Congratulations to Jerry Galbraith who did it first to set a World Record (at my range) and Charles Wright also did it and is also the only person to do it both directions. Great shooting to both of you. Shooters were allowed 5 sighters to use at their discretion and shooting in reverse you really had to think where to use them for best useage since having more than 5 sighters would have been nice. Look at my video and think about starting at the end and also shooting from right to left and think where'd you use them with only 5 to pick from.

On to the scores. All ties are decided by reverse count. Hmmmmmm, seems the Anschutz guns kinda kicked butt on the V-Guns (Vudoo) this month.

Junior shooter = *

1. 91 Randy Wise Anschutz Exemplar pistol Arken Center-X
2. 89 Bob Merillat Anschutz 1907 March Center-X
3. 88 Dennis Kirkpatrick Anschutz Exemplar pistol SWFA SK Biathlon
4. 88 Dave Callipare V-Gun Night Force SK Biathlon
5. 87 Jim Lochary V-Gun March SK Biathlon
6. 86 Cuda Gatten Anschutz Match 64 Peep Sights SK Biathlon
7. 85 Kurt Yoder Sako Quad SWFA 20X SK Biathlon
8. 85 Charles Wright Ruger Precision Vortex Strike Force SK Std.
9. 85* Kylie Patton CZ AT-1 Athlon SK Biathlon
10. 84 Eric Lochary V-Gun Vortex SK
11. 84 Dave Auman Rim-X Vortex Strike Eagle Center-X
12. 83 Mike Moore Anschutz Bushnell SK Biathlon
13. 82 Rube Perkins(2) Kidd 10/22 Night Force SK Biathlon
14. 82 Dan Bartok(2) Anschutz Night Force RWS
15. 81 Chris Kirkpatrick Izhmash Biathlon SWFA 3-15 Geco
15. 81 Cuda Gatten CZ SWFA 20X SK Biathlon
16. 80 Tom Cochran V-Gun Kahles SK Std+
17. 78 Bob Brown 540-X Weaver T-36 Lapua Polar Biathlon
18. 76 Dave Auman(2) Rim-X Vortex Center-X
19. 73 Rube Perkins Kidd 10/22 Night Force RWS
20. 73 Carl Duval CZ MTR Vortex SK Biathlon
21. 73 Derrick Warren Rem 513-T Peep Sights SK Longrange
22. 72 Dan Auman Rim-X Vortex Center-X
23. 71 David Patton CZ 457 Athlon SK Biathlon
24. 71 Jerry Galbraith CZ 457 Night Force SK Biathlon
25. 70 Chuck Wagner H&R model 12 SWFA 20X RWS
26. 70 Dakota Wright B22 Savage Vortex Strike Eagle SK Longrange
27. 70 Kenny Arnold Ruger Precision SWFA Eley Match
28. 70 Jerry Shaw H&R model 12 SWFA 20X SK Biathlon
29. 69 Chris Blaney CZ 457 Lux Leupold MK5 Eley Practice
30. 69 Dan Bartok Anschutz Night Force Center-X
31. 65 Karen Marsh CZ Ultra Lux SWFA 3-15 SK
32. 59 Matt Shatto Savage SWFA 20X SK Std.
33. 51 Bob Ellwood Bergera Athlon Lapua Polar Biathlon

This video is from a previous match, entire match was shot completely in reverse right to left with smaller gamble shots first.

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