Hunting & Fishing Rockchucks while on a driving vacation


Lt. Colonel
Full Member
Mar 16, 2008
none of your business
My wife and I are headed off on a vacation up to Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana to do some sightseeing.

Other than checking out Yellowstone we don't have any definite plans. I'm bringing along my 20x47L and a 22lr in hopes of finding some varmints to shoot at when we go off the beaten path to do some camping.

Any suggestions where I could find the best rockchuck, ground squirrel or PD hunting while I'm up north ?

We stopped at North Springs Shooting Range near Price Utah earlier today to check zero and also dope to 600Y. No problem nailing the steel in the middle in the wind and the dope lined up perfectly.

Little help needed finding a suitable place to shoot some varmints.

Thanks in advance.
Here's the problem with rock chucks, everyone hammers them, so if someone knows of a place they don't tend to relase in the information. I like to take a few a year and leave some for seed on the parents ranch. Saying that we don't have crops to protect, and our livly hood isn't based on that.

The BLM area offices will have BLM maps available, and if you ask the biologist might know of some colonies. Then again the biologist might be a varminter as well and not help you.

Good luck either way.
Thanks Muskox.

I have some good news! I got a Rockchuck near alpine Wyoming. It was a fun shot, 427Y at a 15 degree up angle, the rifle settled down in time for me to see him helicoptering back off the rock. Headed down to southern Idaho because of the storm system up here in Yellowstone.

C'mon you Chuck hunters, I need some full disclosure here!

Thanks for the help guys!
If I still hunted chucks I would help ya out. However many farmers with rock piles in this area will let you reduce the population with enthusiasm. Just knock on the door, tell them your situation and ask for permission. I will see if a few guys I know would be willing to help ya out.
Glad you were able to make it work.

My Grandfather treated them as though they were big game, he grew up in Bavaria in the 1920's before emmigrating and fighting in Europe as an American. When he was a kid they were sacred, so they kind of always have been to our family. We shoot a few and leave most of them for seed. Like I said we have land but no agriculture on it, so they get treated pretty well.

Thanks Muskox.

I have some good news! I got a Rockchuck near alpine Wyoming. It was a fun shot, 427Y at a 15 degree up angle, the rifle settled down in time for me to see him helicoptering back off the rock. Headed down to southern Idaho because of the storm system up here in Yellowstone.

C'mon you Chuck hunters, I need some full disclosure here!

Thanks for the help guys!