I'm looking for a charging handle for my 2 lar 8 elite operators. if I would have known they would be pia I would of bought someone elses does anyone know if and who makes a charging handle for me rock river lar 8
The charging handles on the LAR-8 are proprietary to RRA . The LAR-8 has a longer bolt carrier and longer charging handle then the DPMS and Armalight AR10 platforms. Finding an aftermarket charging handle to fit will be a trick as I am not aware of anybody that makes one. That length of pull on the CH also messes with using most aftermarket stocks with cheek risers like the MAGPUL PSR stocks unless you cut the riser back or add an extension/spacer. Annoying I know.
You can replace the charging handle latch on your existing RRA LAR-8 charging handles with any AR-15 variant latch if you want to increase the size/extend the latch.
The info you got here so far is correct. I looked for years, even ordering two that were supposed to work from two different companies. I wanted a charging handle that was wider and making it easier for me to operate. The one linked here does not appear to be any wider than RRAs', so that one would not meet my want.