Ruger American *223* Stock Replacement


Full Member
Feb 10, 2017
Central TX
Im really looking for info on people who have changed stocks on the ruger american and have any insight into bedding them and the aics mag situation. AICS mags dont work for 223 sized cases in MDT or Magpul Ruger stocks.

I took my 300bo Ruger Ranch that didnt get shot anymore and I took advantage of Keystone 22 cal barrel sale so I will now have a 20" medium palma 223 barrel on it. That large of a barrel wont fit in the factory stock so now I get to replace that... slippery slope on a cheap rifle.

It will mainly be used so that friends can grab a box of cheap ammo off the shelf where ever and come shoot a decent rifle with decent optics and trigger.

My options

1) Boyds AtOne Thumbhole (I like the thumbhole look on this stock more than the regular grip)

  • It alone using factory rotary mags is cheapest at 215
  • Its adjustable
  • Has a new aics compatible bottom metal for 109 bucks making it the cheapest aics option for 325 plus shipping

  • Not certain it will properly feed from 223 aics mags. MDT and magpul ruger stocks do not feed 223 aics reliably so Im skeptical this will.
  • Not sure how easy it will be to give it a full bed job plus pillars, just the lugs is easy and maybe thats all Ill bother with it

2) Bell & Carlson


  • Bedding block
  • Composite
  • Should be easy to skim bed

  • Not adjustable for other shooters
  • 300 shipped which is less than the boyds with aics but more than the boyds with the same factory mags
  • CDI bottom metal for AICS is 210 bucks making this altogether 510 plus shipping to and from cdi. CDI doesnt list 223 as an available option though.

3) Stockys Long Range Accublock

  • Bedding block
  • Easy to skim bed

  • Most expensive alone at 374 shipped
  • Not adjustable
  • CDI bottom metal for aics makes this 584 plus shipping to and from

4) Indian Creek Designs


  • Full chassis- no bedding necessary (and skim bed is easy enough if need be)
  • Told me it does indeed work with 223 aics mag compatibility.
  • Ar part compatibility opens all sorts of options for adjustability.
  • If I do go with AICS mags this is the better option over the b&c and stockys + CDI.

  • Most expensive at 400 plus the AR stock and grip for 1-200 making it 550 at least.
  • If I do go with AICS mags this is the more expensive option over the boyds (if the boyds actually works)
With the Boyd's, do you not have the option of running a factory RAR .223 mag? Not the best mags, but it may be worth considering (or are you really wanting to go the AICS route for the mags?).
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With the Boyd's, do you not have the option of running a factory RAR .223 mag? Not the best mags, but it may be worth considering (or are you really wanting to go the AICS route for the mags?).
Yeah, thats the first pro: cheapest option if I stick to factory mags.

Im not against the factory mags. They are just... they just are. lol

Im not against but Im also not really for the rotary.
I imagine buddies coming out to shoot and trying to get them to shoot positional prs style stuff and 10 rounds would be welcome for that. Just not sure if I want to spend a couple hundred more for that privilege.

The AICS issue is more of a secondary issue. A good stock is my primary concern, how to feed it is a secondary.
The boyds and bell & carlson are the most appealing to me so far for the price and they both take the rotary mags no problem.

I was all ready to get the boyds rotary for 215 and be done with it but as I was adding it into my cart there was a banner on the page listing the boyds aics so then I looked at that and that got me thinking and then I over analyzed looking into how that bottom metal would work with the action and the y lugs and how I would go about doing actual pillars in the tiny portion of material left between the y lug and the bottom metal and that got me looking at other options like the boyds where its aluminum and no pillars necessary. Its a slippery slope.
And now Im thinking I might as well try and wait for July 4th sales to see if that could influence my decision financially and in the mean time exploring all the options I can find to fully vet my thought process.
Yeah, thats the first pro: cheapest option if I stick to factory mags.

Im not against the factory mags. They are just... they just are. lol
I know how to read, I promise.

Anyhow, I hear ya on the slippery slope thing... I find myself in a similar position more frequently than I'd like to admit (to my wife). I will say, though, that based on my vast experience of looking at it on the Internet, the Boyd's solution looks pretty klugey to me. That said, if it works....
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Great work researching this, Spife.

Down my road, I'm planning on getting the RAR Predator 6.5 Grendel. The Boyd's stock is utterly intriguing.

Forsaking the AICS option, I'm trying to figure out if the thumbhole stock will work with the basic AR compatible Grendel mags.

If so, it's a slam-dunk, in my view.

So..., is it so?

Great work researching this, Spife.

Down my road, I'm planning on getting the RAR Predator 6.5 Grendel. The Boyd's stock is utterly intriguing.

Forsaking the AICS option, I'm trying to figure out if the thumbhole stock will work with the basic AR compatible Grendel mags.

If so, it's a slam-dunk, in my view.

So..., is it so?


Spife may know otherwise, but I don't believe it will work. I think for the time being the only aftermarket option for the AR15 Mag compatible RAR is the MDT LSS-XL Gen 2.
I have a rar in a MDT and use the Ruger mags that MDT recommends, works very well
In the 223 with the ruger metal acurate mags that are actually rebranded accurate mags with the extended insert? If so then thats great news but mdt has still said that its not a guaranteed solution but its the best they've found.
That said, I havent been able to find them on the ruger store for awhile now...

What about the oryx? It's made by mdt and is 400 complete
See the ^^ response but outside of that one specific mag the 223 length doesnt seem to play nice with the 223 aics patterns, I really wish it did. The issue is that the aics feed lips end at a point where the bullet tip hasnt entered the chamber so it pops up free to rattle about inside the chamber unrestrained but at a height that puts the bullet tip dead in line with the barrels breech face.

I've been wanting one of those ICD chassis. It looks like they may have a longer arca and m-lok forend on the way.
Well heck, I may have to hang on a bit for that to see its price. Id still probably go with a cheap sling stud harris though.

Great work researching this, Spife.
Down my road, I'm planning on getting the RAR Predator 6.5 Grendel. The Boyd's stock is utterly intriguing.
Forsaking the AICS option, I'm trying to figure out if the thumbhole stock will work with the basic AR compatible Grendel mags.
If so, it's a slam-dunk, in my view.
So..., is it so?
MDT Josh got back and said the ar model rifle will not work with the rotary style mags.
I honestly dont know but Ill put my thoughts here-

I hypothesize that the ar mag rugers can take the flush mount mag... but Im not certain.
I know that the ar mag model has the same starting bolt only with some material relieved and a wider feed port on the bottom of the action to accommodate the wider plastic ar pattern pmag compared to the rotary mag model. So because there is only material removed to make space when rotating the bolt closed for and not added to the bolt and action that leads me to hypothesize that so long as the stock has the proper mag catch to match the rotary mag then the ar mag model should work in the rotary model stock. I would still ask boyds that exact question though.

So because the prior boyd models stocks have a note saying it is not compatible with the ar model mags a couple months back I asked Boyds if they were going to make a stock for the ar mag model rugers and they said that they were working on it but that it would only work with the ar model ruger action, which I dont have so I didnt press into it too much further.

But with the release of this aics ruger metal Im not sure if the person I was emailing was confusing this with that.

Spife may know otherwise, but I don't believe it will work. I think for the time being the only aftermarket option for the AR15 Mag compatible RAR is the MDT LSS-XL Gen 2.
See the above but I think that the only stock that has the ARmag compatibility is the mdt chassis. I dont think that necessarily prevents the ar model action from using the rotary style mags though if the stock is cut for the rotary mags.
@MDT_Josh @MDT_OFFICIAL Yall know if Im off based on my hypothesis that you can make an ar model action work in a stock cut for the rotary model mags?
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Spife, I was using an MDT LSS with a Ruger American Ranch 223. I was using the Ruger branded 223 AICS magazines too. I had to tweak the feed lips a little but after that they worked like a charm. I can send you the link to the mags I bought if you like. I believe I bought them off the popular auction site everyone loves to hate.
Those scout magazines are the ones I I'm using, I had some troubles because I loaded the rounds too long and they wouldn't eject properly, but now all is fine.
If what you're after is the extended feed lips, the all polymer RPR/Scout rifle 223 mags are still available, and cheaper. I have several that I use in a TL3. I had to cut the feed lips back to match a standard AI 223 mag, but after that they've worked like a champ.


They're just Accurate Mag steel AICS mags with polymer inserts. 5rd versions are still available...
Yes but they aren’t the regular accurate mags. I’ve tried regular accurate mags, same issue as aics plastic mags. The lips end to early.
These scout mags have the plastic liner that extends further forward they the others.

Since they aren’t in stock anywhere I guess they discontinued it and replaced them with the cheap plastic mags which I’ve heard many complaints about but maybe I’ll try one of them too.
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@Eoddave27 @sid @MarinePMI Could we get some dimensional measurements on the various mags?

What’s the distance from the front of the mag to where the top of the feed lips start?
------------------MDT Poly --------------------------------Ruger poly---------------------------Ruger metal 90458 (extended accurate)

What’s the distance from the front of the magazine to the front of the well where the tips of the bullets are?

What’s the height of the feed lips over the top of the magazine? (MDT 223 mags looks way further back)

What oal is it capable of holding?
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Hey guys, just seeing this now and thanks for the tags (we're over on PST so I'm still on my first cup of coffee)! From what I know about this specific combo:
- The Ruger American AR has a different geometry that is designed to work with AR-15 magazines inly and is not backwards compatible to the Ruger Rotary magazines
- The factory, Ruger scout magazines with the extended feedlips and polymer spacer from Accurate have been discontinued and no longer exist. This would be why you're having so much trouble finding them.
- I know very little about the full polymer replacement magazine and whether or not that will work.
- Our magazines, as they are do not have long enough feedlips to work with this combination.

Let me work with our C/S team (@MDT_OFFICIAL) here and see if there is anything we can suggest to help you guys out :)

- Josh
I hope so. I did find one place where they had the actual ruger metal accurate mag so I went ahead and ordered that befoe the last buffalo disappears and one of the ruger poly mags too just for goo dmeasure.
I called and they said they had two of the metal mags, I only ordered one so there is still one out there for now if anyone in following wants it 60+10 shipping

They lied, they didnt actually have any but no worries as accurate mag has them in stock themselves as evidenced their post at the bottomof this page.
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Here are the requested measurements of our magazines, the others we do not have access to as for your other questions. Yes, our chassis and the Oryx require the Ruger Scout rifle 5.56 magazine which has the extended feed lips. With the Ruger American (and most three lug actions), the trouble has always been getting the round up high enough for reliable feeding. Based on customer feedback, the new Polymer 223 magazines by Ruger seem to have the same issue.

With the rotary magazine version versus the AR version, the answer is sort of. It depends on whether or not your bolt is cut for magazines if you have a bolt that does not have the cutout it will not work with the AR version of the chassis. However, the AR magazine version of the rifle will work with AICS magazines (and our standard AICS chassis) if you have the right magazine. They are both the same receiver, and the only thing that has changed is the cutout on the action and the way the bolt is milled. However, with that being said one of the main issues still arises of the magazine needs to either have the extended feed lip or the magazine moved up higher for reliable feeding. The AR magazine version of the chassis addresses this issue when the action is set up for it since the AR magazine can get up so much higher to the bolt. Hopefully, this answers some of the questions you guys have about this!

TLDR summary: Most three lug actions with 223 Remington/300 Blackout need the magazine to either sit higher or have extended feed lips for reliable function.

1: 1.286" Measured from the front exterior wall to the top of the feed lip.
2: 0.128" Measured from the front exterior wall to the inside wall.
3: 0.304" Measured from the front exterior to the top of the lip.
4: 2.550" Is the max COAL.
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I really appreciate you getting those measurements for us. I want to figure out the best route for the rest of the rar owners so we can finally get the aftermarket on them moving abit more but since I was able to find what seem to be the last ruger extended mags on earth your efforts really make me want to go with an mdt oryx now... (its why I went an ACC already too)

MDT Poly mag sketched out.
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Spife, I actually sold the 223 so I don’t have my magazine anymore. It really stinks that they discontinued that magazine. Maybe MDT can start making one for all of us 223 shooters (hint hint)
I don't have any unmodified Ruger poly mags handy, but I may have one squirreled away. I did measure one of my modified mags

1: 0.710" Measured from the front exterior wall to the top of the feed lip - this is an estimate based on the pics of the unmodified magazine I trimmed my mags to 1.170" to get them to work with the TL3.
2: 0.122" Measured from the front exterior wall to the inside wall.
3: 0.215" Measured from the front exterior to the top of the lip.
4: 2.590" Is the max COAL.
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I really appreciate you getting those measurements for us. I want to figure out the best route for the rest of the rar owners so we can finally get the aftermarket on them moving abit more but since I was able to find what seem to be the last ruger extended mags on earth your efforts really make me want to go with an mdt oryx now... (its why I went an ACC already too)

No problem! We're happy to answer anything we can to the best of our abilities! It's essential for us to continue to interact with the shooters out there! It's something we've considered in the past, and we are always working on new projects and items to bring to the market. Magazines are an area we are very excited about, and in the future, this may be something we add!
Well shit. I had no idea this was a problem. I just took delivery of my Magpul stock for my Ruger American Ranch and was going to start searching out some mags to try out. Really hope I don't end up with a paperweight stock.
Im really looking for info on people who have changed stocks on the ruger american and have any insight into bedding them and the aics mag situation. AICS mags dont work for 223 sized cases in MDT or Magpul Ruger stocks.

I took my 300bo Ruger Ranch that didnt get shot anymore and I took advantage of Keystone 22 cal barrel sale so I will now have a 20" medium palma 223 barrel on it. That large of a barrel wont fit in the factory stock so now I get to replace that... slippery slope on a cheap rifle.

It will mainly be used so that friends can grab a box of cheap ammo off the shelf where ever and come shoot a decent rifle with decent optics and trigger.

My options

1) Boyds AtOne Thumbhole (I like the thumbhole look on this stock more than the regular grip)

  • It alone using factory rotary mags is cheapest at 215
  • Its adjustable
  • Has a new aics compatible bottom metal for 109 bucks making it the cheapest aics option for 325 plus shipping

  • Not certain it will properly feed from 223 aics mags. MDT and magpul ruger stocks do not feed 223 aics reliably so Im skeptical this will.
  • Not sure how easy it will be to give it a full bed job plus pillars, just the lugs is easy and maybe thats all Ill bother with it

2) Bell & Carlson


  • Bedding block
  • Composite
  • Should be easy to skim bed

  • Not adjustable for other shooters
  • 300 shipped which is less than the boyds with aics but more than the boyds with the same factory mags
  • CDI bottom metal for AICS is 210 bucks making this altogether 510 plus shipping to and from cdi. CDI doesnt list 223 as an available option though.

3) Stockys Long Range Accublock

  • Bedding block
  • Easy to skim bed

  • Most expensive alone at 374 shipped
  • Not adjustable
  • CDI bottom metal for aics makes this 584 plus shipping to and from

4) Indian Creek Designs


  • Full chassis- no bedding necessary (and skim bed is easy enough if need be)
  • Told me it does indeed work with 223 aics mag compatibility.
  • Ar part compatibility opens all sorts of options for adjustability.
  • If I do go with AICS mags this is the better option over the b&c and stockys + CDI.

  • Most expensive at 400 plus the AR stock and grip for 1-200 making it 550 at least.
  • If I do go with AICS mags this is the more expensive option over the boyds (if the boyds actually works)
I have the Bell&Carlson stock on my 6cm American predator. I love it. It was an instant accuracy improvement. I use the standard mags but someday I may upgrade to use the AI style mags again


Front pf mag to feed lips: .830"
Front of mag to front of follower: .335" (unmodified)
Height of feedlips: .250"
COAL: ~2.500 (unmodified)

FWIW, this mag gave me to most issues with feeding in my MPA/Tikka Varmint set up (hence why it's sitting on the work bench). The newer AM's with the shorter/abated feed lips, seemed to function better.
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Well shit. I had no idea this was a problem. I just took delivery of my Magpul stock for my Ruger American Ranch and was going to start searching out some mags to try out. Really hope I don't end up with a paperweight stock.
Unless it’s for 223/300bo you should be fine lol. I found a magpul in sae for 200 last year and licked it up just to test because free returns (*minutes shipping* grumble grumble optics planet bullshit grumble grumble)

I have the Bell&Carlson stock on my 6cm American predator. I love it. It was an instant accuracy improvement. I use the standard mags but someday I may upgrade to use the AI style mags again
If it were intended for me and/or adjustable I probably would, I like traditional stocks but I’m wanting to try and get newer shooters into it and I hate watching people squirm forever trying to even look through the scope. I’m hoping I can drop the cheek and length so they can get a decent picture and then extending the adjustment for them personally. Maybe I’m just overthinking it.

View attachment 7097665

View attachment 7097666
Front pf mag to feed lips: .830"
Front of mag to front of follower: .335" (unmodified)
Height of feedlips: .250"
COAL: ~2.500 (unmodified)

FWIW, this mag gave me to most issues with feeding in my MPA/Tikka Varmint set up (hence why it's sitting on the work bench). The newer AM's with the shorter/abated feed lips, seemed to function better.
I’ll update this when I get to work with the inforgraphics, thanks!

My normal accurate mags feed the best my 223 has ever fed in my 700. Much better than the normal aics plastic. But in the american the normal accurate mags fed 10% of the time while the plastic aics feed 50%.
Which just goes to say how damn much I hate mag problems.

Edit: the +- is because you can file the front lip open a tad, I assumed the same amount can be opened up as on the regular accurate mags.
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I really appreciate you getting those measurements for us. I want to figure out the best route for the rest of the rar owners so we can finally get the aftermarket on them moving abit more but since I was able to find what seem to be the last ruger extended mags on earth your efforts really make me want to go with an mdt oryx now... (its why I went an ACC already too)

MDT Poly mag sketched out.
View attachment 7097196

The front of these can be opened up for longer COAL with a rat tail file. Pretty easy mod. I use these in my Tikka varmint, had to file the feed lips a little to get bolt clearance.

I have been tempted to get a Ruger 16" Ruger AP in 300 BO for a short handy truck gun. Glad to know there are not many choices for mags in an aftermarket stock. The factory stocks flex a lot.
The front of these can be opened up for longer COAL with a rat tail file. Pretty easy mod. I use these in my Tikka varmint, had to file the feed lips a little to get bolt clearance.

I have been tempted to get a Ruger 16" Ruger AP in 300 BO for a short handy truck gun. Glad to know there are not many choices for mags in an aftermarket stock. The factory stocks flex a lot.
To be fair, I didnt really ever had any issues with the 5 round factory mags feeding in the factory stock, sanded the stock open enough to where it didnt touch and it was fine. I just cant leave shit along and now the medium palma will be stressing its pants a little too tight lol.
Long as you have the mag well for the mag already yes. I would use a gunsmith for fit and finish for it, also if you don't know how to do it yourself.
MDT said above that you can not get the ar model to use rotary mags. Im sure every one reserves the right to be wrong but Im guessing its because the actions bottom cut is too wide to properly support the mag? I suppose we should drive into it a bit deeper and clarify exactly.

@MDT_OFFICIAL So you can confirm that even if the stock/bottom metal/chassis is supporting the mag at the proper height and with the proper magwell dimensions the ar model still wont be compatible with the rotary mags? Im not talking trying to use a rotary mag in the ar stock, talking ar action in a rotary specific mag stock. Perfectly fine if yall have never experimented with that though and cant say since yall are going for aics compatibility.

All three back to back




So the mdt mag lips are clearly way far back in typical aics 223 fashion.

The plastic ruger mag puts the tip of the bullet much closer to the actions feed ramp, .122, provided bullets are all the way forward in the mag.
There is a .588" between the front of the bullet window and the feed lips.

The metal ruger mag is .330 or .280 from the front of the mag/feed ramp depending on if its filed or not so thats puts it further out from the feed ramp into chamber but there is only .5-..550 of empty unconstrained space between the front of the bullet window to the feed lips. These feed lips are also presenting the case .035" higher up into the action as well.

My biggest problem with the normal aics pattern mags was that the bullet was unrestrained for too much distance. Maybe even with the metal mags releasing the base of the cartridge further back than the plastic mags the shorter distance between the front of the bullet window and the feed lips will keep it pitched more upwards while still holding onto it adequately long enough to actually get the bullet started into the chamber.
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Davis11x; I'm going to take your advice.

Spife; I know not this rotary magazine of which you speak. My plan all along was to use the stainless steel AR-compatible 10rd 6.5 Grendel mag as obtained from Midway.

If it doesn't work, then it joins the other 4 of them that I have for my pair (20" and 24") of 6.5 Grendel Uppers.

The RAR Predator 6.5 Grendel rifle comes with a SS 10rd mag that looks like, and costs like, the same mag as I already have.

I think my questions may be answered already. If so, then I'd have another pair of firearms which can interchange mags.

Meanwhile, I'm especially grateful to you and others who have put these question and their answers upon the table for the rest of us.

Davis11x; I'm going to take your advice.

Spife; I know not this rotary magazine of which you speak. My plan all along was to use the stainless steel AR-compatible 10rd 6.5 Grendel mag as obtained from Midway.

If it doesn't work, then it joins the other 4 of them that I have for my pair (20" and 24") of 6.5 Grendel Uppers.

The RAR Predator 6.5 Grendel rifle comes with a SS 10rd mag that looks like, and costs like, the same mag as I already have.

I think my questions may be answered already. If so, then I'd have another pair of firearms which can interchange mags.

Meanwhile, I'm especially grateful to you and others who have put these question and their answers upon the table for the rest of us.

The grendel model american may have only ever been offered in the AR mag style, not sure myself. But the rotary mags we are describing are for what all the normal models use.

MDT said that the an AR model action cant use those rotary model mags but that doesnt effect you if you intend to stick with the AR mags.

Boyds said they were working on a stock model to fit the AR mags but I havent seen it yet, they only currently offer the rotary model and, now, the new AICS bottom metal.
MDT for sure has a typical chassis cut that allows for the AR mag american to use AICS mags and Im 95% sure their AR special model cut uses the AR mags.
Im not sure Ive seen a stock thats made for the AR mags or not. So Davis is right, if you have a magwell cut for the AR mag it will work. I think only the MDT chassis offer that exactly though.
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My son has the 6.5 Creedmoor version and it was plenty accurate in the factory stock with the rotary magazine, but the magazine fed like crap. We finally got the Magpul stock and it is a night and day difference with the Magpul 5 and 10 round AICS mags.


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Hi Spife,

We have two different style of the 223/556 magazines, one sporting the shorter plastic lips and another with the longer extruding lips. If anyone is interested in ordering the longer ones, please shoot us an email prior to ordering and I can make sure we include the proper magazine with your order. Thank you!
Zach @ Accurate-Mag
[email protected]
My son has the 6.5 Creedmoor version and it was plenty accurate in the factory stock with the rotary magazine, but the magazine fed like crap. We finally got the Magpul stock and it is a night and day difference with the Magpul 5 and 10 round AICS mags.
Yep, the full size .473 bolt face cases have no issues with the AICS mags, its just the small 223 stuff.

Hi Spife,

We have two different style of the 223/556 magazines, one sporting the shorter plastic lips and another with the longer extruding lips. If anyone is interested in ordering the longer ones, please shoot us an email prior to ordering and I can make sure we include the proper magazine with your order. Thank you!
Zach @ Accurate-Mag
[email protected]
So they do still exist!

I ordered one already from a retailer yesterday They were wrong about having them in stock so Ill be getting them from you. But this is great news for everyone else in this situation!
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@MDT_OFFICIAL So you can confirm that even if the stock/bottom metal/chassis is supporting the mag at the proper height and with the proper magwell dimensions the ar model still wont be compatible with the rotary mags? Im not talking trying to use a rotary mag in the ar stock, talking ar action in a rotary specific mag stock. Perfectly fine if yall have never experimented with that though and cant say since yall are going for aics compatibility.

You can put an AR receiver in an AICS version of the chassis (in your comparison a rotary chassis.) Physically, not much has changed which would affect fit in our chassis, what they do differently is machine the magazine cutout wider and then put more cuts and grooves into the bolt itself to allow AR magazines to enter the action. However, the issue is still the same, an AICS magazine without the extended feed lips cannot get the round high enough. You will need either the extended feed lip magazine such as the Accurate or to physically move the magazine higher into the action.
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You can put an AR receiver in an AICS version of the chassis (in your comparison a rotary chassis.) Physically, not much has changed which would affect fit in our chassis, what they do differently is machine the magazine cutout wider and then put more cuts and grooves into the bolt itself to allow AR magazines to enter the action. However, the issue is still the same, an AICS magazine without the extended feed lips cannot get the round high enough. You will need either the extended feed lip magazine such as the Accurate or to physically move the magazine higher into the action.
Yeah, I got a bit off track on my purpose with the 6.5 grendel AR mag talk with greg which is what I was trying to address there with his ar mag compatibility, not my 223 compatibility.

To many different options and directions lol
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