I did the Third Coast Tactical run and gun last weekend also. This match was an oddity and they were partnered with a .22/rimfire org so day 1 was either rimfire or center fire (pistol caliber or a combination with rimfire and centerfire pistol caliber). Day 2 they had a rimfire only competition on Sunday. Each stage is themed with Texas veterans.
Lessons Learned:
1. Pay attention to the weather-temperatures was 34F and rainy.
Both firearms had optics which was severely impacted by the rain. I struggled greatly with water on my optics to see the targets! So much so that I DNF'd a couple of stages. I probably should have looked at something that helps remove water from optics (I thought my microfiber towel would work but all it did was smear it and make things worse, it was like trying to look through a fishbowl to see a target).
2. Check, check and triple check your gear! On stage three when I was moving to get behind a barricade I accidentally (not very hard) hit the barricade with my magazine which blew my Kriss magazine extension apart and dumped 35 rounds all over the ground (it shouldn't have done that, I probably hadn't seated it properly last time I cleaned it). Luckily I had enough ammunition that I could make up for the loss or else I would have been royally up the creek without a paddle.
3. If there are any questions about the course, ask!!!! I did a little more than an extra lap because I got confused about the course layout. My time was still good but it could have been even better. I should have paid closer attention to the markings/signs.
4. My cardio was ok, it could have been better (I was coming off of an injury and still going through physical therapy, I was kind of surprised my ankle held together for this). I need to do more sprint work.
5. I bring WAY TOO MUCH crap!!!!! I had to keep reminding myself that "it is only 3 miles, I do this with my dog all the time" or at least all the time before I tweaked my ankle. I am torn on this one because it is better to have and not need versus need and not have.
6. I had some cramping issues in the beginning of the course (stage 1). I have no idea what that was about, it was the first time I have ever experienced something like that. I am guessing it was because of the cold? We were outside waiting to start our match and had been outside getting our gear ready at 34F. Any ideas?
7. I now throw like a girl (had shoulder surgery from a torn labrum that had a lot of complications) when trying to throw the grenade bodies. Add in a little older now and I have bi-lateral shoulder pain/issues aka both my shoulder suck (torn, frayed rotator among other issues like my didn't heal correctly clavicle I broke)!! I look like John McCain when I try to lift my arms up.
Good things to sustain:
1. Backpack! A good, small backpack with spare ammo, magazines, water and maybe some candy depending on the length. It helps to counter balance our natural forward lean while carrying a firearm and running (or a jog for some of us).
2. Spare ammunition (stripped out of the packages). I had to reload magazines while on the course and being able to grab two handfuls of ammunition from my backpack when I completed a stage was helpful. It allowed me to reload magazines while I was running which saved me a lot of time (I put the two handfuls of ammunition in a pocket that I could get to easily while running and pull out ammunition as needed).
3. Good retention holster, nobody wants to loose a pistol while running.
4. Good battle belt, something that have good magazine retention and rides comfortably on the hip.
5. Weight, I had relatively lightweight gear. I had enough layers to remain comfortable but not too hot and not overly heavy. I didn't need any fluids throughout the course.
I am all for thoughts/recommendations.
Just a couple of quick thoughts.