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Sidearms & Scatterguns S&W M&P Shield 9mm


Old Salt
Full Member
  • Nov 20, 2018
    I have not shot one, but am seeing a deal at PSA for the 1st gen not the 2.0 for $250???? I mean geez and it comes with a 7 and 8 round mag. I have not shot a lot of handguns over the years other than my trusty crusty ol P226 it's coming up on 30 years old. Had a Glock 19 I liked, but buddy loved it so sold it to him. Really want to get something I can carry a bit better and I put one on my hip at Bass Pro I think it will do well either IWB or out. Any of you guys regret your purchase? This sale is hard to pass by....

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    I love mine; carry it quite a bit. I put Apex kits in all my M&Ps.
    I like the grip texture enough on my Shield .45 and M&P9 m2.0 that if I was in the market for a 9mm Shield I'd opt for the 2.0 version myself.

    There's a new 9mm Shield 2.0 on gunbroker right now with a buy it now price of $300. ?
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    I have both a 9mm and .45 Shield, the original versions, and like and shoot them well. I put an Apex trigger in the 9 and appreciate the improvement. I feel they are great carry pistols. I recently got a Sig 365 and have been shooting/carrying it. Even though its smaller with a greater capacity and I appreciate it's attributes, I don't shoot it as well as the Shield(s). I also have a Glock 43, a Kahr PM9 etc. but I enjoy the Shield the most. FWIW.
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    I own the m&p and the shield, great guns for the cost....I almost hate to admit this...I tell folks quietly the trigger on the M&P is better than my glocks...
    I got a Shield and after a couple hundred rounds ended up having issues with it. I was getting a stovepipe or FTE about every 20 rounds.

    I contacted S&W and they had me send it to them. Did some work on it and it has run flawlessly ever since. Great cs and it’s gtg now. Seems like a steal at that price.

    Whatever you get, put a lot of rounds down range before you trust it with anything important.
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    I bought my wife one a couple of months back.
    First time at the range she put 200 rounds of Winchester white box 115fmj through it without any hickups or malfunctions and it is a surprisingly accurate pistol for having such a short sight radius.
    I also shot a box of the Sig 124 grain through it when she was done and started looking for one for myself in 45acp.
    First impressions for me anyway is it is a solid performing little pistol.
    I've put over 400 rounds of various ammunition through mine to include a 380 that was in an unopened box of Winchester.
    It just kept on shukin and jivin.
    That little pistol hasn't missed a beat.
    Got mine through PSA also
    I have not shot one, but am seeing a deal at PSA for the 1st gen not the 2.0 for $250???? I mean geez and it comes with a 7 and 8 round mag. I have not shot a lot of handguns over the years other than my trusty crusty ol P226 it's coming up on 30 years old. Had a Glock 19 I liked, but buddy loved it so sold it to him. Really want to get something I can carry a bit better and I put one on my hip at Bass Pro I think it will do well either IWB or out. Any of you guys regret your purchase? This sale is hard to pass by....

    No ragrets with my first gen shield. Mine did have feeding issues at first, after 500 rounds it settled down and has been flawless since. That may also be because it was WWB ammo.

    Ive carried this little gun as an archery side arm and bear crawled through north idaho bush with it and carried it fishing and fallen in the river with it. Few thousand rounds later and no issues. My only complaint is its kind of slippery during the summer when you are all sweaty.
    i normally carry my G19, but there are those times when i want something slimmer. i bought a 9mm shield since i didnt want a micro .380. it shoots great, a hair more recoil than the g19, but not bad at all. mine has been 100% reliable with a few hundred rounds of fmj, gold dots and ranger Ts. it is a lot of pistol for the $
    Haven't shot the 380 EZ. However Rebecca has the Sig 238 and really likes it.
    If your wife would like to try it, I'm sure Rebecca would be happy to let her shoot it.
    Thanks man I appreciate it might take you up on that one day. She definitely like the feel of the Shield, just a little unsure how that grip safety might alter that experience for her. Thanks
    my wife really likes her 380 EZ. that gun is one of the reasons i bought my shield. i wish the EZ didnt have the grip safety, i did have to train her to use it. but its been great too. really low recoil.
    Picked up a Performance Center Shield from a Hider and ran 100 through it last night. Definitely a better fit for my hands than any small frame I have shot very tame muzzle deflection. Love the stink out of it was doing the dueling tree battle with a buddy last night we had a hoot! I have to say coming from a 10lb first round pull on my P226 that first shot is a dream too. Thanks for the heads up on this loving it.
    I have both a 9mm and .45 Shield, the original versions, and like and shoot them well. I put an Apex trigger in the 9 and appreciate the improvement. I feel they are great carry pistols. I recently got a Sig 365 and have been shooting/carrying it. Even though its smaller with a greater capacity and I appreciate it's attributes, I don't shoot it as well as the Shield(s). I also have a Glock 43, a Kahr PM9 etc. but I enjoy the Shield the most. FWIW.
    This interests me, since I also use a Kahr PM9 and a M&P 9. I like the trigger and feel of the M&P better and have considered the Shield version for shootability. The Kahr’s trigger is so much different than anything else out there, that it is hard to transition back and forth between trigger pull styles. I know it was designed that way for durability and safety, but it is so different from any other trigger pull out there. Switching back and forth between platforms is noticeably different. Too much so, IMO.

    Maybe I should save my pennies and try out the Shield. Maybe borrow or rent one to try out first.

    Hmmm...I should check and see if Apex makes a trigger kit for the Kahr.

    Edited to replace the end of the first paragraph that I inadvertently cut off somehow.
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    This interests me, since I also use a Kahr PM9 and a M&P 9. I like the trigger and feel of the M&P better and have considered the Shield version for shootability. The Kahr’s trigger is so much different than anything else out there, that it is hard to transition back and forth between trigger pull styles. I know it was designed that way for durability and safety, but it is so different from any other trigger pull out there. Switching back and forth between platforms is noticeably different. Too much so, IMO.

    Maybe I should save my pennies and try out the Shield. Maybe borrow or rent one to try out first.

    Hmmm...I should check and see if Apex makes a trigger kit for the Kahr.

    Edited to replace the end of the first paragraph that I inadvertently cut off somehow.
    You are more than welcome to try my Shield, but as far apart as we are might be a couple more months. I love my P226, but want to try a full size M&P 9....might work out great for us both. If the M&P trigger reach and weight are anything like the Shield I'll be in love. P226 that first round 10lb DA pull whew. I know Sig makes shorter reset kits and shorter triggers, but still wanna give an M&P the paces. Shield eats the ammo from Mother Russia like a champ too. B/t my buddy and I(2 Shields) we put down ~ 175 rounds w/o a single mal.
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    My M&P is 1st gen with a duty Apex in it. Has somewhere over 3000 rounds on it, mostly shooting IDPA and steel matches. They can be tuned even more if desired and I hear the Gen 2 is a bit better, but I won’t get rid of this one unless/until it’s done.
    My M&P is 1st gen with a duty Apex in it. Has somewhere over 3000 rounds on it, mostly shooting IDPA and steel matches. They can be tuned even more if desired and I hear the Gen 2 is a bit better, but I won’t get rid of this one unless/until it’s done.
    OH no I didn't mean trade I just thought you wanted to burn some rounds through a Shield! I'm not getting rid of my 226 either!
    I didn’t mean trade either. Sorry if I gave that impression. I also meant shooting them and comparing so the we each could decide if the other size M&P was in the cards or not. PM.
    I own 2 Shields in 9mm , both have Apex trigger kits and front night sights with all black rear sights.

    Have approx. 300 rounds through each pistol. Love them both.
    I have a gen 1 45 Shield with manual safety,love it.Freat CCW gun Ive tried it in gym shorts to 3-piece suit itworks well in a Vedder AIWB holster.The trigger took alittle to get used to,so I may try that Apex that all of you seem to like.Im wondering if they are difficult to install.
    You are more than welcome to try my Shield, but as far apart as we are might be a couple more months. I love my P226, but want to try a full size M&P 9....might work out great for us both. If the M&P trigger reach and weight are anything like the Shield I'll be in love. P226 that first round 10lb DA pull whew. I know Sig makes shorter reset kits and shorter triggers, but still wanna give an M&P the paces. Shield eats the ammo from Mother Russia like a champ too. B/t my buddy and I(2 Shields) we put down ~ 175 rounds w/o a single mal.

    Shoot straight in Brandon has some LE trade in full sized 9mms for $249.00.
    Three left the other day.
    Since a state of emergency has been declared, you can't buy anything in Pasco county. They lock everything down because of some declaration from Sherriff Nocco.
    I think it also affects Pinellas and Hernando counties.
    oddly went to feed store in z-hills to pick up corn yesterday and they are completely sold out. seems like the storm gets everyone in a wad everything from ass wipe to water to whole corn!
    Why were you buying corn for the hurricane? :) :)

    The ATMs were empty last night, gas stations packed and everyone had gas cans.
    If I need gas, I'll siphon it from my boat. It's in the garage, so no issues.

    Back to the corn.
    You feeding critters or buying for critter killing?
    filling feeders for bow. saw a bachelor group of 7 which was nice.....deer everywhere loading up. the hogs are out of control again place looks like b52s carpet bombing. one year letting off thermal duty and they reclaimed the land. freaking cockroaches
    Since a state of emergency has been declared, you can't buy anything in Pasco county. They lock everything down because of some declaration from Sherriff Nocco.
    I think it also affects Pinellas and Hernando counties.
    It was my understanding that this is State wide and takes effect as soon as a state of emergency is declared by Guv. I’ve seen it in the past at gun shops locally. Actually saw the letter that LGS gets, once, a few years ago.
    Hogs are fuggin destructive as hell.

    (Gilley Creek off of SR 675)

    Apparently, they did this overnight.

    Ms fatty here caught a 123 ELDM into the right eye, and out the skull.
    Shot the doe 20 minutes earlier.


    The rest were on their way out before I could get another round in the chamber of my CZ 527.
    Shoulda used the AR...

    My hog from the week before. Near Lake Wales. (Right next to Brama Island)

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