These are tougher to find nowadays since so many manufacturers offer off the shelf options....15 years ago savages were much more popular as a budget option when the only other option were $5000+ custom builds and $5k went a LOT further than it did today.
Keep your eyes out for an APO (Ashbury Precision Ordinance) Saber chassis. APO teamed up with savage for a couple years about 7-8 years ago and offered a complete rifle with their chassis. Some people for whatever reason took the chassis off and sold it .......that's how I ended up with mine. I had one of only 100 ever made AICS folders offered through mile high for a Savage 10.....I sold that and switched to the APO and have zero regrets.
Pm me if you have any questions
Off the shelf nowadays....prolly MDT is gonna be your best bet if they are still making them