Gunsmithing SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing? video's posted.


Gunny Sergeant
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Full Member
Nov 29, 2007
Wellington, Ohio
Hey guys, Mark at Short Action Customs here. I have a few Sako TRG 22's in the shop we are getting ready to rebarrel. It does not look like there is enough material on the action to true up the threads, and the action face is pretty small. I'm in the process of checking out the actions for possible means of truing them up and definitely checking the concentricity of them.

Has anybody else gone down this road yet? I plan on sharing my findings once I get some going.

Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

From what I have heard (from a VERY good source) they are pretty damn square as they are. Did you check the actions yet to see what you have for runout?
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: C. Dixon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mark,

Go sit on a 3 legged bar stool once. What happens? All the legs touch the floor right?

Sako's are GTG in my book. Barrel it and go on with your life.

Good luck

C. </div></div>

Can't the same be said for sitting (perhaps balancing) on a 2-legged barstool?
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

Havent' been to the circus in awhile so I don't know.
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: C. Dixon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Havent' been to the circus in awhile so I don't know.

You're here, aren't you?
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

This action was farther out than any Remington that I have checked. This has only been the first TRG action that I have checked in my fixture. The customer brought it to me because it would just not shoot.

This action may be one in one hundred, but it seems to be farther out of spec than any Remington/Winchester/Howa I have checked. I will post the video tomorrow.

Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

I discussed at length the need to recut threads with a rifle builder that hold a couple world records and he swears that if the lugs mate up square and the reciever face is square that the concentricy of the threads doesn't nearly matter as much just as long as the barrel and chamber are cut strait.
He maintains a 3/8" guarantee with his builds on Remmys in non mag calibers with hand loads!!
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?


Thank you for posting the videos! Are you going to attempt to true this or leave it as-is? How do those numbers (.0025 action face, .004 action threads) compare to most 700's out of the box?
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

I do not want to get into trouble by trying to recall, but I want to say I have never seen a Remington with over .0015" runout on the action face. I actually have all my Rem 700 actions pending builds all trued up. I have some that need barrel work, maybe I will just break one apart and check it.

Here are some other notes I collected about the 3 TRG's I checked.

Sako TRG 22
Action face runout .0020"
Action thread runout .0020"
Bolt extraction .058"
Firing pin protrusion .070"

Sako TRG 22 Euro Optic (pictured in videos)
Action face runout .0025"
Action thread runout .0045"
Bolt extraction .065"
Firing pin protrusion .066"

Sako TRG 42 338 LM
Action face runout .0015"
Action thread runout .0020"
Bolt extraction .059"
Firing pin protrusion .068"

I will post some more videos if I have time to measure any other actions.

Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M.Gordon</div><div class="ubbcode-body">TRG action test 1

TRG test 2 </div></div>

Holy cow batman.

I usually don't see more than 0.0015" of action face runout on 700's I true either.
Usually around 0.001"
I have not bothered to check thread runout, but I know it usually takes at least 0.004" radial thread cutter depth to clean them up so I have to assume that the thread runout could be exceeding 0.006" total.
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

Damn that sucks! I guess you should square them up some, I know dumb statement. You said the one in the video did not shoot well, how did the others do? I would ask Sako what they think about the run out along with the serial #s. It would be intresting to see if they were the same vintage or not. Thanks for posting the videos.
Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Northern50</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So, what are you going to do about it? </div></div>

We did some machining on the action to clean them up. I'm not going to go into specifics, but metal was cut in order to get them where I wanted them to be before barreling.

Having a nice true action is always ideal and can do nothing but help accuracy, however I think the moral of the story is that a nice consistent barrel diameter with good quality rifling/groove diameter is key to any rifle build.

Re: SAKO TRG 22/42 action truing?


He is meticulous as hell and his work and the results show, can't argue that.

I'm still jealous you got that lathe, FYI I did break it once.

I was told once by someone who occasionally had a grasp of reality and he said 'Get the best barrel you can find, build the rifle around it.' That HAS held true for me so far.