No problem.
@TheGerman may be able to give better insight than me on this stuff. He's tested and used probably 10x the gear I have. But I'm pretty confident in my experience, albeit not as extensive as some.
Never once did my plate carrier make me feel secure in a firefight LOL. My training, weapon system, tactical knowledge, and the dudes next to me did though.
In my 3 deployments, no one ever took a round to the plates, although I did hear about one or two from other companies so I'm sure it happened(statistically its going to happen). But we did have dudes shot in the arm, thigh(non-arterial), throat, down through the collar bone area from above, and actually in between the front plate and side plate.
So again... mobility and speed is my thought process now, ESPECIALLY in some SHTF scenario stateside. I want to either get to legit cover to protect my whole body or I want to hit my target before I get hit...that all requires speed and mobility. Firefights aren't going to be on open flat ground. So mobility isn't just weight, but size as well. Cars, trees, logs, homes, crawling over/under shit, on top, pulling yourself up, etc... all plays a role in that.
There's a reason our fastest dude(sub 10min 2 mile) couldn't run down afghanis .... weight.