Savage FVSR vs TRRSR


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Full Member
Nov 23, 2006
Central Fl. USA
Can anyone shed light on accuracy differences. I know the longer guns shoot well from experience and read only that many like the short 16" model for 'builds'.
I would like to try a short one but would not like to choose one that is of lesser accuracy potential.
Re: Savage FVSR vs TRRSR

It's been said many times before anything over 16in or 16.5in in .22lr will make no differences in accuracy so it will all come down to what you want in the gun. I personally have a TR for a couple reasons
1. Couldn't get a fvsr because they were all sold out)
2. It matches my Savage 10FP .308 Perfectly(stock(kinda), length, weight, glass)
3. Didn't have to wait for the back ordered Tacticool stock to be available
4. Only has a 5rnd mag I hate the way the 10rnds look

Only thing I wish my gun has is a threaded barrel which it will in a couple months since I'm filling out my form 3 for my suppressor in January but the TRRSR is already threaded so that's a plus

To list the good thing about the fvsr though is
1. You don't have to buy a base right off the bat because the one on it is primarily good for 250-300yds(depending on the scope you have) Yes the TR has bases too but they suck and the bases on the TRRSR are just hideous and completly impractical for a bolt gun in my opinion
2. It will be a bit lighter overall even if you decided to put it in a tacticool stock like most do.

So like I said really the barrel length shouldn't be your big concern when choosing between the two.
Good luck on your choice