Savage Mark II Question


Full Member
Sep 17, 2012
I am going to replace the stock with a tacticool now my question is do I just bed it or do I pillar bed it and what is the benefit of doing one over the other?
Re: Savage Mark II Question

After reading that I dont like the idea of the stock cracking has anyone done this to a tacticool stock with success? Or should I just bed the action with the bosses that come stock?
Re: Savage Mark II Question

I'm going to attempt to pillar bed to the bosses instead of removing them. I think floating the action is the best solution for trying to eliminate first shot flyers . And I don't know of another way to float the action other than pillars (or a barrel block). I'm going to install the cross bolt to avoid the stock cracking. It's too thin for pillars without it. Not hard to do and looks like it'll solve that issue.
Re: Savage Mark II Question

Just do a simple bed/skim bed job and be done with it. Use something other than the flimsy sheet metal for a bottom metal (DIP bottom metal is nice), don't go crazy on tightening the action screws, and you'll be fine. The tacticool stock is extremely weak around the pillars and is just not capable of supporting the barrel and action under any stress. A simple skim bedding will allow pressure on the action to be distributed across its full length rather than at the weakest part of the stock (around the pillars). I see no problem with skim bedding and incorporating pillars into the skim bedding. If you just want to beef up that part of the stock by installing pillars, it certainly wont hurt as long as the action is supported its full length with a skim bed. In my experience the pillars aren't necessary at all and don't offer any advantage in a rimfire action, in the tacticool stock, as far as accuracy is concerned.... Floating the action is a terrible idea though. The tacticool stock is built out of a soft wood and is not designed to withstand pressure concentrated on small areas.
Re: Savage Mark II Question

That's good advice. I will try skim bedding first and see if I can decrease the first shot drops. Although, the first shot is so consistent I can almost aim around it. But the action is definitely moving with the first shot so I've got to stop that without adding more torque to the screws.

I don't think you can pillar without the cross bolt. I wouldn't even attempt it.