Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Rubicon, Sorry about your problems. I have a Savage which does real well. The CZ is definitely the better overall weapon. If you are gonna replace the stock check out Rhineland Arms Leopard. Another member on here pointed me in their direction and I have one coming for my Savage. I have a Boyds Tacticool right now which is a good stock but the Leopard has more adjustability.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

My MkII TR was made around then as well. Mine grouped well, but i ran out of windage adjustment on my scope... ended up sending it back and found out they drilled the receiver crooked and the base was messed up... They sent me a brand new rifle and tossed in a scope for good measure. It also included a 100 yard target with a 1 moa group and a target they had done a box test on as well... happy with their customer service and the rifle now, but gotta give a nod to CZ for their out of the box reliability.

if i were to do it all over again I would probably get the MKII FVSR. Then upgrade the bottom metal and stock... It would end up being cheaper and would include a one piece rail as well.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Not at all impressed with Savage's workmanship or quality control. I recently had my local gun shop order me in a Mark II TR and after two weeks I get the call that it's in. I go and pick it up Wednesday and when I get it home it's not long before I'm pissed. Upon closer inspection I see a 3/8" chip out of the stock that's down to bare wood and a hairline crack in the grip area. Doubt it happened in transit as the box looked good. I immediately call the shop, who are awesome by the way, and they tell me to bring it back for a refund or credit. The guy proceeds to tell me that is the fourth Savage rifle in the last 30 days that he has had to send back due to existing damage or other issues. I ordered a CZ 455 Varmint on the spot like I should have done from the start.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Hey, has anybody had any problems with their magazines and Failure-to-Feed issues? I took my rifle out today, tried running both the five round mag that came with and a couple of ten round magazines, and 2 out of every 5 rounds would fail to feed. ended up single loading the cartridges and letting the magazines find their merry way back to the range box. from what I can tell, the rounds are coming out of the magazine at too low of an angle due to what I'm guessing is poor spring tension. anybody have some sage wisdom to dispense? Because I can't for the life of me figure out how to disassemble the mags without breaking them.

Rifle shot sub-MOA on wolf match though, can't complain about that.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Anvil, I have 3 mag for the Mark II and only one will work in my TR.

Scratch, the rifling was bad in mine, shot about a 3" group at 50 yds. Sent it in and Savage put a barrel on it. They sent a test target back with it, 100 yards, all 5 shots can be covered with a quarter. We'll see,,,,,,
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

you sure do know how to bring my hopes up...
went down to the range again on friday to see what I could do to unfudge the magazines after letting the springs rest for a week... still getting misfeeds at a rate of about 3 out of 10. after looking at the mag for a bit, I think I may have a solution- take a bit of duct tape, and put it on the forward part of the follower in order to increase the bullet's feed angle. it was raining, and my duct tape was not cooperating, so I haven't tried it on mine yet, but I've got the mags all done up for sunday's range time. fingers crossed, duct tape saves the day.
Thing that really irks me about all of this is that my other savage models have never had feed issues. I guess I got spoiled by the 93.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Anvil Xray</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey, has anybody had any problems with their magazines and Failure-to-Feed issues? I took my rifle out today, tried running both the five round mag that came with and a couple of ten round magazines, and 2 out of every 5 rounds would fail to feed. ended up single loading the cartridges and letting the magazines find their merry way back to the range box. from what I can tell, the rounds are coming out of the magazine at too low of an angle due to what I'm guessing is poor spring tension. anybody have some sage wisdom to dispense? Because I can't for the life of me figure out how to disassemble the mags without breaking them.

Rifle shot sub-MOA on wolf match though, can't complain about that. </div></div>

I bought an FV SR last year and had issues with it ejecting rounds, but not extracting. Different then your problem but it was a simple fix, brought it back where i bought it and swapped out the mag assembly and problem solved. Sometimes its something simple, maybe even the ammo you're using. I somehow doubt you could have that many bad mags unless they are from the same batch and it was a bad batch. Try 3 or 4 different types of ammo
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

yeah, I tried a few other types of ammo to see if it was just the wolf match having issues... the wolf were actually the best feeding ones at 3 fails out of 10. besides, I'm ringing the gong at 300 meters with the Wolf Match Extra, and the rifle's sole purpose is accuracy out to such idiotic distances...
I'll try the tape trick this weekend, and if that don't work, I'll see what I can do with the mag assembly.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

I just ordered a Savage Mark II TR and while waiting for it to come in I've been reading up on the rifle. After seeing this thread I'm starting to second guess my decision. Should I cancel the order or are these problems an isolated thing?
I bought the rifle as a training rifle to work on my fundamentals while not spending lots of money on ammo.

Also while researching I found this post in another forum that I have never heard about where the OP claims he discovered a fix to the feed problems with the newly designed magazines, maybe it will help a couple of you out.

Here's the link
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Dang, thanks for the link, dude. I got my TR for similar reasons to you (Plus, I like the look of incredulity I get from folks when I bring it on the 300 meter range). So far, except for this stupid feed problem, everything else has been absolutely great. Its a good solid platform and does what I want it to do. If you do decide to get the rifle, try some wolf match extra (not match target), the stuff's like a laser out of mine.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

okay, my 10 round mag works now. with the following asterisks:

1:the double spring is just a little too powerful, so I'm going to leave it loaded overnight to let the springs calm down.

2: watch your feed lips, you may have to knock them in a tad so that they may grip the rounds better. when I went to test it, I slapped the mag into the well and took a confetti bomb of 22LR to the face as they flew out of the action.

Once I got the feed lips tapped in just a tad, it ran fine. Hopefully it won't be as energetic when I run it through some testing tomorrow.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Not a problem. I'm thinking you can try bending the spring before you try putting a second spring in there. I would think the change in the spring would reposition the follower enough to make a difference.

Do I need to order a scope mount or does it come with one? if I need to order one, Does anyone have any sugesstions?

Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

yeah, it comes with some rather standard weaver bases. I replaced mine with an EGW 20 MOA base that I got at MidwayUSA for around 40 bucks. If you're not going to be shooting past 150 meters you should be okay with the standard base.

Be advised though, if you want to remove those weaver bases, hit them with solvent and some CLP and let them set for a bit. they have the mounting screws torqued in to a fare-the-well. I bent one of my allen keys, and stripped out the head on the front screw trying to take them off. ended up having to tap it out, which really wasn't too hard.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

I've only been able to doublespring a ten round mag so far, but the stock 5 round magazine has just as many failures. Though I imagine that double springing a 5 round mag would probably work a lot better than the double spring 10 round mag.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Went out to the range today and put the doublespringed magazine through its paces-
Not one jam with either CCI Green Tag or Wolf Match Extra.
1:10 jam with CCI minimag HP

I don't even know why you would want to try feeding this prima donna rifle some remington golden bullet, but I did anyway to check function just a little worse than the Minimags.

it may be a pain in the dick to load, but that double springing a MKII magazine seems to fix the stupid mistake savage made when they manufactured those magazines.

I did have one slight issue, and that may explain the misfeeds that I had today- due to the extra spring tension, the sides of the top part of the magazine were bowing out slightly. Just enough to make it a pain to lock into the mag well. few dots of JB Weld and a clamp will fix this right quick.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Well I got mine back from Savage, new barrel and action, (as stated above). Night and day difference!!! Set the scope at 25 yards, it will put 4 out of 5 shots in the same hole. It only has 70 rounds though it now, and the more I shoot it the better it gets. How many rounds will it take to "Break-in"? I couldn't run it out farther, because the range had the fans on, and the targets "Sway in the breeze" so it would have been pointless to try.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

good to hear. I've got no clue how long it'll take for break-in, but the dirtier it is, the better it shoots. which to me is kinda blasphemy, but I'll accept it.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

I'm glad to hear the double spring worked out. I just ordered four 10 round mags so I have them on hand in the event I start having feeding issues.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

okay, I guess I just hit my "I'm fed up with this rifle" point. so my patched doublespringed magazine took a dump on me, the spring tension is now pushing the feed lips all out of tolerance.. I tried a few tricks with the five round mag, no joy..

Just got off the phone with the customer service rep over at Savage, he's shipping me some new parts, hopefully they'll fix this jamming issue.
Re: Savage mark II tr problems help!!!

Further update: Just got back from the range, the new magazine retention spring fixed the jamming issue. plus they sent me a Savage Baseball cap for free. she's still shooting like a champ.