Savage MKII trigger replacement and stock


Full Member
Dec 29, 2008
Rock Spring Georgia
Just picked up a FV-SR and want to change the trigger to get rid of the crappy ACCU-trigger, I just can't stand em.
I've already taken off a couple coils and made it lighter an more tolerable, but just do not like the trigger safety thingy.

So the question is change to Rifle Basix or Timney?
Also looking to pick up one of the fv-sr take off stocks to modify. If you want to get rid of yours let me know.
Re: Savage MKII trigger replacement

Ive got a basix on my TR. Its about 1.5 to 2 pds. I like it alot and so do all my buddies that have played with it. Took bout 20mins from start to finish.
Re: Savage MKII trigger replacement

I went with the Rifle Basix route too. I didn't like the accutrigger either. The install was straight forward, and I set my trigger right at 2 lbs.
Re: Savage MKII trigger replacement

BTW: I picked up a TR over the weekend and waiting for the scope and ordering some things from DIP for it. Very nice looking rifle and the stock reminds me of the A5 on it. Also came in a nice digital camo color on the stock. I took it out of the stock today and sprayed it down a couple times with Rem oil and wiped it clean. Has anyone sanded out the barrel a little to float the barrel? I am going to go get a dowel rod this week and work it down a little and open it up. How are your rifles shooting and what ammo have you been shooting out it?
Re: Savage MKII trigger replacement

My TR shoots pretty damn good with about anything. Wolf ME shoot awesome. 10 shots at 50yds just under a half inch(.456). And thats runnin the bolt.