Re: savage with thumbhole or not. help asap
You need a minimum of 100 posts in order to sell anything here.
Rules for posting in the For Sale Section:
All Sales must comply with All State & Federal Laws regarding the item listed. It is the responsibility of the member listing their items to ensure they fully understand the laws in regards to sale of their items. Each listing must fully lay out the applicable laws in writing when necessary to purchase restrictive items such as Class III items.
1. Minimum of 100 posts. You must contribute to this site in a positive manner. "LOL" does not count as a contribution. User with less than 100 posts cannot start a topic in any area of the PX Section. Commercial Entities are prohibited from posting without first committing to a commercial sales account.
2. You must fill out your profile with a city, state, and show a valid email address in your profile.
To do this, your city and state information goes in the "Geography" line.
The email we need to see is in the "Public Email Address" box.
3. Posting an item for sale in any other area but the "For Sale Section" will immediately get the post removed and the User Banned for as long as 30 day or longer without Warning. Sniper's Hide considers these rules as written your initial warning.
4. No one will be allowed to post with less than 100 posts for any reason beyond those the system has grandfathered in. If a member has the ability to post they are okay to post in the eyes of the moderators. New members with less than 100 posts will not be given special consideration in this area. Any attempt to circumvent this including reguest for prices on items will be removed.
5. Padding of your post count will result in a temporary banning of no less than 1 week. If you post more than 15 posts in a single day you will be considered padding your post regardless of the content and your account will be termporarily suspended.
If you do not meet this criteria you will be asked to correct it. If you do not correct it, your post will be locked. If it is still not corrected, you will be removed from the forum for no less than 3 days.
Sniper's Hide does not check the validity of posts made in the For Sale Section, and bears no responsibly to ensure a smooth transaction. Users of the For Sale Section do so at their own risk. Any disputes or fraudulent transactions will result in one or both members being removed. Sniper's Hide also cooperates with any and all requests from Law Enforcement without hesitation to prosecute criminals attempting to use this board.