Hunting & Fishing Saved from a hungry coyote!!!


Full Member
Jun 17, 2006
Bentonville, Arkansas U.S.A
Went coyote hunting with Adam and my son Michael this morning. It was Adams first time hunting predators. He asked if he could do some calling and I was like "Dude, I don't think its such a good idea." But then Adam is all like "Whatever dude I can handle it, give me the rabbit squealer." I was like I dunno dude sometimes these coyotes can be totally aggressive and stuff." Then Adam is like "Yo old guy, gimme the squealer or I'm like going to wail on you." so then I was like "Ok dude chill out." and I gave him the squealer.
Well Adam goes strutting out to the middle of the pasture and sits down and starts blowing on the caller and here comes this coyote at a dead run thinking Adam is an over grown cotton tail in distress. The coyote pounces on Adam and I was like all scared and dropped my rifle and Michael grabs it and prepares to shoot. I was like "Yo little dude, don't shoot cause like you might hit Adam and stuff." And Mike was all like "Yo dad chill babe I am rifle expert!" So then Mike raises the rifle and shoots the coyote just as it was going in for the kill. It was totally AWESOME!!!!

......Ok, maybe it didn't happen exactly like that, actually it didnt happen anything like that, but if it had it would have been a pretty cool story.

We actually jumpped 2 coyotes on the way to our first set up. I got a lucky running shot on this one and missed the other....

Re: Saved from a hungry coyote!!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: marduk185</div><div class="ubbcode-body">dude how long is that ar? </div></div>

**NOTE** Lil dude is on his knees, NOT standing....its not quite that long.