Took my Scar 20 out for the first time.... im almost in disbelief. I was in a hurry to zero so I could get out to the 1,000 yard range so I only had a couple groups as I was getting on target, but my final group was an impressive .35 inch group! I know I know, only 3 shots, I usually do 5, but I only brought a couple boxes of ammo and wanted to get on steel. Group above was a faster fire group to get it on paper, I took my time on the final group. It was uneventful out to 1,000 as I expected it to be, but the targets on our LE range are larger so its nothing to write home about. When I go home to phoenix on my private range, that's a much more difficult time and worth sending videos. Ammo was Magtech 168 gr Match.