Scope cant question


Full Member
Sep 22, 2017
Calhan, Colorado
So I have a question about scope can't and the affects if it at long range. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. If a scope is canted to the left, meaning top of reticle is left of plumb line and bottom is right of it would your shots impact left or right at longer range when you dial? Im anal retentive about my scope being perfectly lined up. I've used levels on the scope base to level rifle then lined the reticle up with a plumb line at 50 yards. I've also used the flashlight trick to double check. But at 550 yards my group center is about 3 inches right of point of aim. I'm dialed in perfectly at 100 so I know it's not that I'm a touch off. This has been over several range visits so I'm pretty sure it's not just me. So it's either the reticle is off by a touch( no way it's a lot) or spin drift. But I'm not sure spin drift even comes into play at 550. So I'm open to suggestions. Thanks guys
So I have a question about scope can't and the affects if it at long range. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. If a scope is canted to the left, meaning top of reticle is left of plumb line and bottom is right of it would your shots impact left or right at longer range when you dial? Im anal retentive about my scope being perfectly lined up. I've used levels on the scope base to level rifle then lined the reticle up with a plumb line at 50 yards. I've also used the flashlight trick to double check. But at 550 yards my group center is about 3 inches right of point of aim. I'm dialed in perfectly at 100 so I know it's not that I'm a touch off. This has been over several range visits so I'm pretty sure it's not just me. So it's either the reticle is off by a touch( no way it's a lot) or spin drift. But I'm not sure spin drift even comes into play at 550. So I'm open to suggestions. Thanks guys

Get an anti cant device that mounts to your scope to verify you are keeping the reticle plumb when firing. There are many threads here regarding this and @Lowlight did a great video on how you can have a canted rifle as long as your reticle is plumb (our bodies arent perfect and some of us have a natural cant).

i recommend the Accuracy 1st ACD

or if yu want the best of the best, get this
I've got one of these on all my scopes that I level to the flat base on the bottom of the scope on a surface plate. I know it's level. I then level the scope in the rings on the rifle with a level in the action and use the level I put on the scope. So, I'm pretty anal about making sure it's level.

Sure enough, as the previous poster pointed out, the rifle never feels level even in a Sinclair benchrest. If I use the bubble on the scope the reticle always looks canted. It happens on all my rifles so I know it's me.

Get a level like the previous poster says.
I put a level on it when I set it up. Whenever I shoot I always verify the rifle is level. That's what screwing with me thinking maybe I have a little cant. Maybe it's just me influencing the shot that little bit
I put a level on it when I set it up. Whenever I shoot I always verify the rifle is level. That's what screwing with me thinking maybe I have a little cant. Maybe it's just me influencing the shot that little bit

it doesnt matter what you do when you mount it. you can mount it perfecty level, but if its canted when you shoot, you will be off. thats why we have these level mounted to the scopes when we shoot.
it doesnt matter what you do when you mount it. you can mount it perfecty level, but if its canted when you shoot, you will be off. thats why we have these level mounted to the scopes when we shoot.
I have a scope mounted level. Was saying I set it up when I mounted the scope. Used small levels to level 20moa rail first, then set up a plumb line. So I'm pretty sure its mounted plumb. That's why its confusing me so much.
Square the system when you’re crooked is the problem,

Body position is off, your head too far over, if it doesn’t look right it’s a training issue, not a hardware one. When you use hardware to fix a training issue, the results multiply to the negative side.

You can set it up as anal as you want, or can, as soon as you look away, you brain will move it. Then when you look at level it will be off. If the statement reads, you need to use the level to shoot, you already failed. The level is there to demonstrate the error, not fix it. You have to fix the set up, simply rotating the rifle straight is not a fix either.
Square the system when you’re crooked is the problem,

Body position is off, your head too far over, if it doesn’t look right it’s a training issue, not a hardware one. When you use hardware to fix a training issue, the results multiply to the negative side.

You can set it up as anal as you want, or can, as soon as you look away, you brain will move it. Then when you look at level it will be off. If the statement reads, you need to use the level to shoot, you already failed. The level is there to demonstrate the error, not fix it. You have to fix the set up, simply rotating the rifle straight is not a fix either.
By body position and head too far over what do you mean? I'm lined up straight behind the rifle and don't put a lot of pressure through my cheek weld. The bipod I have doesn't adjust for cant either so I have to fine tune adjust the legs to get it level. Definitely not saying it's not me, so please no one take it that I'm not listening to y'all. Just that I've tried different ways and I'm still off to the right just a touch. Not enough to miss a 8" plate but it just bugs me that it isn't centered. And even though it's to the right my groups are still good. So I'm at a loss right now. The scope was just one idea I had. I'm going to run a tall target test this week and see if it's lined up there. Otherwise I might have to find someone to watch me shoot and see if they notice anything I'm doing wrong
By body position and head too far over what do you mean? I'm lined up straight behind the rifle and don't put a lot of pressure through my cheek weld. The bipod I have doesn't adjust for cant either so I have to fine tune adjust the legs to get it level. Definitely not saying it's not me, so please no one take it that I'm not listening to y'all. Just that I've tried different ways and I'm still off to the right just a touch. Not enough to miss a 8" plate but it just bugs me that it isn't centered. And even though it's to the right my groups are still good. So I'm at a loss right now. The scope was just one idea I had. I'm going to run a tall target test this week and see if it's lined up there. Otherwise I might have to find someone to watch me shoot and see if they notice anything I'm doing wrong

Well, you should always take some training every once in a while for that exact reason. could be that your wind turret isnt zeroed properly either. What gun/scope combo we talkin here?
Sounds like trigger control too,

The fact you are struggling to figure out says it’s more you than the set up.

I can’t see what you look like, I can only tell you what your description historically means, you can say no it’s not that, which is fine. But you’re doing the typical, it’s cant, next it will be spindrift, after that something else. Most of this stuff is shooter, unless you sell shooters product which says it’s not them, by my widget and see.

It sounds to me you’re position is off, your fundamentals are lacking and you’re hoping hardware will fix it.

Without seeing you shoot, that is my take
Sounds like trigger control too,

The fact you are struggling to figure out says it’s more you than the set up.

I can’t see what you look like, I can only tell you what your description historically means, you can say no it’s not that, which is fine. But you’re doing the typical, it’s cant, next it will be spindrift, after that something else. Most of this stuff is shooter, unless you sell shooters product which says it’s not them, by my widget and see.

It sounds to me you’re position is off, your fundamentals are lacking and you’re hoping hardware will fix it.

Without seeing you shoot, that is my take
Damn I was trying to not come off as that guy lol. It could very well be me. I won't deny that. The trigger control comment could be right though. I try really hard to go through the fundamentals but I have noticed I'll slack on the follow through aspect. I'll notice that sometimes I let off a little to quick. Not sure if it that would cause this though.
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