Last week I was shooting indoors and a guy was there with a 10/22 set up for silhouette. He was sighting it in for a "grocery Shoot" a local event that entails shooting a .22 at 50 ft offhand and winning food. He had a 24x scope on it and was shooting off hand and doing very well (let me estimate <2" groups at 50 ft, and well centered. We got to talking and he loaded 5 rounds and offered to let me try it out. The rifle had a fantastic trigger (later he said it was approx $250). The scope was bright and it seemed possible to actually time the shot to get into the black as the cross hairs moved. I only took 5 shots but seemed able to keep them in the black by the 4th and 5th shot.
My questions are, I thought a high power scope was only useful from a stable platform and that a low power scope would be better for short ranges off hand? What gives, do experienced shooters generally use high power scopes off hand or was this an anomaly?
My questions are, I thought a high power scope was only useful from a stable platform and that a low power scope would be better for short ranges off hand? What gives, do experienced shooters generally use high power scopes off hand or was this an anomaly?