Rifle Scopes Scoping a Barrett M-82A1


Full Member
May 28, 2010
I have the cool task of buying a new scope and mounting system for a buddy of a buddies new Barrett. Since you guys have a lot of practical knowledge I wondered what you would recommend?
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

Funny story. I was out shooting the other day at a rather public spot where the public shows up to spray down the prairie. This guy pulls up next to me and busts out a .50cal with an awesome $115 Ncstar mounted atop.


He doesn't even return the friendly "hi" I shot at him and proceeded to just wonder 400 yrds downrange (we are live firing as he begins walking down the range) after ranging with one of those archaic mirror-based rangefinders. He sets up the biggest fucking target I've ever seen, a good 5'x5' cardboard deal, and then proceeds to shoot 6 times, every shot was a good 8' over the big-ass target (I was spotting his shots because I couldn't shoot for myself because the fuckers muzzle brake ruined any ability to shoot. Having totally missed all 6 shots, he walks back down the live range without saying a word, picks up his sail of a target and walks back, packs up and leaves. ha ha
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JohnN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have the cool task of buying a new scope and mounting system for a buddy of a buddies new Barrett. Since you guys have a lot of practical knowledge I wondered what you would recommend? </div></div>

The M82A1 has 27MOA of offset built into the rail, plus what ever (if any) is built into the scope mounts (i.e. Barrett makes an interesting 15/40 MOA mount - back to that later). Thus as a a start you would like to look at a scope with at least a nominal 60MOA of vertical adjustment, so you can zero at 100 yards, being in the midwest some of your shooting will most likely include a few 100 yard ranges and/or pinking at tin cans ;-).

If you ever have the chance to to make it out west and shoot at a distance, then would get a scope with as much vertical adjustment as possible. The two scopes which one see's a lot on the M82A1s are the Leupold Mk4 4.5x14 (only Leupold with a 100 MOA adjustment until some of the long range 6.5x20's came out a year or three ago) and the Nightforce NXS 5.5x22 (which is nearly the universal default scope with most of the guys and no one has been sorry they got it ;-).

If you are not going to be shooting at moving targets and/or close targets (i.e. 99.99% of us that don't do this for a day job with Uncle ;-) then the lower end power range of a nominal 3 power is not missed much if at all. If you are then the Nightforce NXS 3x15 (or similar) is an option.

Thus one could easily go with (if in budget) the Nightforce NXS 5.5x22 on a good set of rings (Badger etc.) If you think you might try for past a mile, then the variable height rings from Barret are an interesting option (never liked changing ring setting in the field but get an extra 15MOA plus the higher setting could be used for a weekend shoot out west and a friend likes his).

If price was totally not an object, then a 5x25 range scope from S&B or similar is always interesting, however, due to accuracy limits of the semi auto Barrett's, this type scope IMO fits better on a nice bolt gun (but is never a bad choice ;-).

A fixed 10 or 16 power scope is also an option, but there are times I like a little less power(closer distances rolling cans/barrels, watching tracers fly at 1500 yards to track wind and etc) and thus prefer a variable (but a X10 Mk4 or S&B or old older Barrett scope would never be a bad option). Close range is the one down side of the Christmas tree recital, if zeroed to match ranging lines, however, the work around, so the story goes, is to zero at 100 yards with the top line.

If I was on a tight budget would get good rings and a X10 Supper Sniper until could afford a better scope.

Lastly don't forget to shoot a little bit with iron sights and get them set (at 100 to 200 yards with a good bulls eye target in good light one can get nearly the accuracy of the M82A1 with ball using the iron sights ... besides need to set them once.

Since you are in Indiana maybe demo / trial options available.
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ROLEXrifleman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have a Barrett 10x swarovski with teh x-mas tree reticle and badger max 50's for sale. I'm also in IN, where in eth state are you?</div></div>

I will mention that scope but I am thinkin' he wants something with more power. Thanks.
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JTinIN</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JohnN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have the cool task of buying a new scope and mounting system for a buddy of a buddies new Barrett. Since you guys have a lot of practical knowledge I wondered what you would recommend? </div></div>

The M82A1 has 27MOA of offset built into the rail, plus what ever (if any) is built into the scope mounts (i.e. Barrett makes an interesting 15/40 MOA mount - back to that later). Thus as a a start you would like to look at a scope with at least a nominal 60MOA of vertical adjustment, so you can zero at 100 yards, being in the midwest some of your shooting will most likely include a few 100 yard ranges and/or pinking at tin cans ;-).

If you ever have the chance to to make it out west and shoot at a distance, then would get a scope with as much vertical adjustment as possible. The two scopes which one see's a lot on the M82A1s are the Leupold Mk4 4.5x14 (only Leupold with a 100 MOA adjustment until some of the long range 6.5x20's came out a year or three ago) and the Nightforce NXS 5.5x22 (which is nearly the universal default scope with most of the guys and no one has been sorry they got it ;-).

If you are not going to be shooting at moving targets and/or close targets (i.e. 99.99% of us that don't do this for a day job with Uncle ;-) then the lower end power range of a nominal 3 power is not missed much if at all. If you are then the Nightforce NXS 3x15 (or similar) is an option.

Thus one could easily go with (if in budget) the Nightforce NXS 5.5x22 on a good set of rings (Badger etc.) If you think you might try for past a mile, then the variable height rings from Barret are an interesting option (never liked changing ring setting in the field but get an extra 15MOA plus the higher setting could be used for a weekend shoot out west and a friend likes his).

If price was totally not an object, then a 5x25 range scope from S&B or similar is always interesting, however, due to accuracy limits of the semi auto Barrett's, this type scope IMO fits better on a nice bolt gun (but is never a bad choice ;-).

A fixed 10 or 16 power scope is also an option, but there are times I like a little less power(closer distances rolling cans/barrels, watching tracers fly at 1500 yards to track wind and etc) and thus prefer a variable (but a X10 Mk4 or S&B or old older Barrett scope would never be a bad option). Close range is the one down side of the Christmas tree recital, if zeroed to match ranging lines, however, the work around, so the story goes, is to zero at 100 yards with the top line.

If I was on a tight budget would get good rings and a X10 Supper Sniper until could afford a better scope.

Lastly don't forget to shoot a little bit with iron sights and get them set (at 100 to 200 yards with a good bulls eye target in good light one can get nearly the accuracy of the M82A1 with ball using the iron sights ... besides need to set them once.

Since you are in Indiana maybe demo / trial options available.

Thanks for the excellent information. Apparently this guy has money to burn so that isn't really the issue. I guess I never even considered iron sights, what kind would you suggest?
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

Considering the 27 MOA rail you don't need much more MOA if you still want to maintain a 100 yd zero. With Barrett's Ex-Rings set at 15 MOA I am 1 MOA up from being bottomed out on a Leupold Mk 4 8.5-25x50 at 100 yds.
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

If budget is not much of an option, get a Nightforce 5.5-22 as the low end scope. An look very closely at one of the S&B, Premier or US Optics in this power range that has a similar 100 MOA of adjustments (have to check closely).

However, that said don't think he would ever need more than the Nightforce with a Barrett ... but better optics are always nicer ;-)
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DBohn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Considering the 27 MOA rail you don't need much more MOA if you still want to maintain a 100 yd zero. With Barrett's Ex-Rings set at 15 MOA I am 1 MOA up from being bottomed out on a Leupold Mk 4 8.5-25x50 at 100 yds. </div></div>

While like the Leupold MK4 8.5x25 it does have a limited vertical adjustment compared to the Nightforce NXS 5.5x22. Thus the reason I went with the Nightforce on the Sako TRG42 (plus a friend got me the Nightforce to even out a long running trade including NFA items, nice change back from you dollar type deal ;-).
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JTinIN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
While like the Leupold MK4 8.5x25 it does have a limited vertical adjustment compared to the Nightforce NXS 5.5x22. Thus the reason I went with the Nightforce on the Sako TRG42 (plus a friend got me the Nightforce to even out a long running trade including NFA items, nice change back from you dollar type deal ;-). </div></div>

Only having 75 MOA adjustment is definitely a negative for the Mark 4 but I bought it before I discovered the wonderful world of Nightforce. Even with the Nightforce a 20 MOA base will get you close to the bottom of adjustment on the M82A1 at 100 yds.
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

I have a NF 5.5-22x50 NP-R1 on my M82CQ and love it
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

I shot my M82 with a NF NXS 8-32x56 a few weeks ago. Too much mag for the rifle in my opinion. At 200 yds, the elevation was almost completely bottomed out, so there was plenty of room for going the distance.
Re: Scoping a Barrett M-82A1

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DBohn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Only having 75 MOA adjustment is definitely a negative for the Mark 4 but I bought it before I discovered the wonderful world of Nightforce. Even with the Nightforce a 20 MOA base will get you close to the bottom of adjustment on the M82A1 at 100 yds. </div></div>

That is why we went with the Barrett 15MOA/40MOA rings on friends M107 and Nightforce 5.5x22. First pass was looking at a LaRue 50 mount, but it had 30MOA of offset built in, thus giving a total of 57MOA (including the 27 MOA built into the Barrett).

Another other option is to just give in to the long range and use one mil or two mill up as the 100 yard zero (works with the Nightforce or Leupold TMR a little better than classic mil dots .. but at the moment mine is zeroed at 100 yards to to the bottom of the first mil dot up). One is of course typically way off center of optical axis then.