Following up on this many, many years later. I bought an Aimpoint, then another DPMS 308 for along range rifle. I put a 2.5-10 NXS Nightforce on it, a Leupold MK 4, and a SS fixed 10 (over the years). Then another I bought a third DPMS rifle.
Then I gave them all to the Lake County, Oregon Sheriff, and bought a Garand. (The Sheriff sold the guns and bought a precision rifle for the SWAT guys). I was still looking for THE "battle rifle."
I think I have hit the sweet spot now with a Sig 716i, a ACOG TA11j-308 (red) an Aimpoint with NV settings on a 45 degree offset, Binocular NODS, and a MAWL (soon).
Thanks for all the tips (in this thsead and elsewhere) over the years.