Hey all, just felt like sharing with you guys. I posted a 7mm Rem. Mag 700BDL a few weeks ago that i got for a super low price. Well, i ended up with another today, but in .308! A vfriend of mine told me his buddy was selling a R700 in good condition for pretty cheap, had been hunting with it for 20+years, so i figured eh why not it might be a little banged up, but we'll see. Turns out it's a Rem 700 CDL, it came with Redfield Base/Rings so i dropped a Leupold VX-1 on her, finally got my dream hunting rig! Total Cost? $300 out his door,the gun is literally almost brand new and has had 2 boxes of ammo put through it. People just don't realize what they have sometimes i guess.
Just felt like sharing!
Just felt like sharing!