See my own rifle shots?!?!


Full Member
Aug 24, 2010
North Carolina
Was outside today shhoting with some buddies. The weather conditions were extremely cool and brisk in the northeast with no clouds and the sun behind me.

I was shooting .223s with my Remington 700 and was actually able to see my own bullets traveling towards the target in the scope. My rig with AICS stock and muzzle brake is just over 17 pounds so it literally doesn't move when I fire.

I built it to this weight for the purpose of not losing sight picture due to recoil when firing so I could enjoy watching the clay pidgeons blow up on impact or the paper target getting a hole punched in it. However today the conditions must have been perfect because I could clearly see my shots flying thru the air, arc downwards and strike the target.

I'm not sure what this was, whether It was the vapor trail or the actual bullet. I have very good eyesight and don't wear glasses. In the past I have seen on multiple occasions .22lr bullets flying in mid air when the light was right but never anything as fast as .223.

Since my targets were small metal targets at different distances, it made it much easier since I literally walked my shots toward the target similar to what paintball players do.

Have any of you guys seen your rifle bullets fly thru the air?
Re: See my own rifle shots?!?!

By the way you are describing it, sounds like you were seeing the round, rather the light reflecting off the back of the round.

Trace looks different, like waves coming off of the round. Almost how they show it in the movie Matrix.

Trace can be found of most days. Seeing the reflection it sounds like you experienced is much harder and requires conditions to be ideal.
Re: See my own rifle shots?!?!

Knight, I think you're right. This looked similar to what I noticed while shooting .22lr. Obviously not everytime, but when the lighting is perfect I could see the .22lr bullets and that had almost no trace esp when shooting subsonics.

What I saw today was similar, the bullet was visible, except it had trace added as well. Made for a very cool Matrix like effect. Will try to go at similar times and conditions in the future to see if I can spot this effect again.

Also could have something to do with the rounds I shot. Just switched today from 55 grain to 69 so they may have been a bit larger and flying slower.
Re: See my own rifle shots?!?!

I just shot them at Central Jersey Rifle & Pistol Association. They have 300 yard range and I brought my own AR500 swinging metal targets I bought from Big Dog Steel. They're holding up great so far the rounds aren't even making a dent. One of my friends shot the frame by accident and the bar only bent slightly. Nothing that can't be pounded out.