Seems the law makers don't know the law

Re: Seems the law makers don't know the law

Being from East TN I can already tell you that teachers/coaches/principles around here have been carrying for years. They just don't wear it on their hip like a cowboy. We have also had SRO's (Student Resource Officers) in every school for years. Pull up at a school around here and the first thing you see is a cop car. Pretty big deterrent for a kid wanting to shoot up a school.
Re: Seems the law makers don't know the law

The problem is that we are separating in thought and values, my makes it a felony and other states are starting to allow carry like in Wyoming. I see lots of finger pointing in the future....
Re: Seems the law makers don't know the law

this being the case, I see a lot of suffering in a particularly 'eastern' locale in the future, which will instigate the finger pointing.

But not THESE fingers, mind you. These fingers will walk to the beat of their own drum, and start something anew, stubbornly, just to prove a utopian point.

It's the suffering, which I could do without.