Sell AR for parts or whole


Huckleberry Dillinger
Full Member
  • Nov 29, 2017
    Hazzard County
    Since there seems to be a shortage of parts for the AR15 platform, would you sell the firearm by the piece or sell it as a whole rifle.
    Lets say that someone would have a few to 10 AR15 rifles sitting in the safe, what would you do?

    Asking for a friend.
    I'm sure if name brand KAC,LMT, LaRue, Noveske even Sig will net some serious cash on parts or complete guns. KAC and LMT seem to be bring the highest return if they were bouhgt a few years ago before the latest rush on guns.
    Not sure what the parts market looks like but around my local area complete ARs don’t seem to sit on shelves more than an couple hours. Regardless of the markups.

    The cheapies (psa/S&W MP15 sports) are going for $700-$800 here right now. Which is 2X what most have into them.

    A high quality AR as mentioned above will net the $$ either way. The cheap AR’s are were you nearly double your money as a complete gun in my opinion. Pending you acquired them when prices were low
    Lets say my friend was collecting these for years if not decades for just this type of situation. There are a few high dollar rifles but for the most part they are good lowers with no name uppers. All shoot well.
    The “situation” is here. The only question now is when they implement their ban on AR’s like in the 90’s will there be a grace period where the prices soar for a short time before the ban. Or will it be a flooded market keeping prices down and tons of options. Or will it be overnight and your stuck with what was essentially an investment

    My friend has also been thinking of dumping some AR’s to fund an AXMC

    If anything your friend should keep the high $$ stuff because the return will be less on those and dump the cheap guns that will net more % value now and likely fail and need parts eventually anyways
    Id post right up here where you know 'The eyes are watching' telling everyone that you have a 'friend' who has a shit load of firearm's that could very soon be declared 100% illegal. Seems like a wise move to me, LOL. Now 'they' know.