SOLD Shipping Problems

Having problems with FedEx here as well. Said my package from Brownells is "in Transit" at the FedEx facility about 10 minutes from my house for the last 5 days.

Called FedEx. I can only assume their whole "customer service" division is in Punjab or Paki. I'm hard of hearing aka almost deaf and I can't understand a word they say.

Finally got some one who I could sorta understand and was told that if my package didn't show by 12/20/20 to let them know. WTAF! It shipped 12/4/20 FFS. It's logged in 10 minutes from my house 5 days ago.

We have had the worst "service" from FedEx. USPS is actually better. Sad that.
With deliveries by UPS of precious metals shipped from the US Mint, real signature is required. Sometimes the package is held for pickup at central UPS facility. All shipment from CMP by FEDEX require signature. The driver wants ID then offers to squiggle a line as signature.....I have discontinued selling anything that requires shipping, my last gunbroker sale took 10 days to deliver thru USPS sent Priority. My last purchase thru eBay sent USPS first class took 17 days in route from west coast to southeast.....could have gone via ship thru the Panama Canal in same time....
A heavy load was lifted off my shoulders today . #1 My gun shop who shipped my package never wrote on the package the name of guy I sold it to, just gun shop it was shipped to .#2 Fed ex must of just dropped the package off with out getting a signature, because they just left it at the door.. That gun shop had the package for over a week. I called them up asking if fed ex ever called them,told them what and who I sent the package to and they said " Hey its here " Now I don't have to refund the guy $1100 bucks .
Just FYI for anyone who is reading this thread, USPS Registered Mail is a really good way to ship something that you need to keep from getting "lost".

The chain of custody on those packages is amazing.
Just FYI for anyone who is reading this thread, USPS Registered Mail is a really good way to ship something that you need to keep from getting "lost".

The chain of custody on those packages is amazing.
As long as you are ok with it taking about 5x as long to get where it is going

I use it whenever I ship thermals because the insurance is actually cheaper when using registered, but it's SLOW to get where it's going.

After a couple talks with the local post master... Apparently the package will tend to stay in little lockup points because not everyone is cleared to handle the registered packages... Still sounds like bs to me but that's the explanation I got.
My local FFL sits in a not so nice neighborhood and USPS left a pistol that required a signature on the front step of the store for two hours before the store opened.

The FFL has complained numerous times with zero effect. I guess covid trumps everything, and they have no shortage of business so screw the customer.
I have had many things require a signature and I come home from work and they are on my front porch. I complain but nothing changes. I hate shipping. I try to buy local as much as possible. But times there’s no choice.