Re: Shoot Slow----as fast as you can
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MuleHunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MuleHunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How much of that does the state get to help 'management'?
There something wrong with a guy that wants to kill everything that breathes! Whats next beating puppies with kittens? </div></div>
I would guess sci or dallas safari club might have those answers. I have not the time or want to look it all up for you. Why do you shoot the cute little mule deer what did they ever do to you? It seems it has to do more with the fact you dont want or have enough money to do it. So is it bad i just go shoot pdogs and dont eat them? What makes one animal more important than another? It is reasoning like this is why we spend millions on horses when they could just be sent to a slaughter house. Animals are managed through science not ethics or emotion if that was the case PETA would be in charge. Just becasue some one shoots 1 lion they want to kill every thing? Now if they have the box of the truck filled with simba than hang them buy there balls. As long as all regulations and laws are followed i dont see an issue. compound Bow hunters think rifle hunters are blood thursty cock suckers Then traditional archery hunters hate compound bows. As an out doors group all we are doing is splitting our selves up to be picked group by group. This is no differnet do you hunt from a pickup thread it all depends on what part of the country you are from. </div></div>
Your post is full of many points, i don't know where to begin so i'll address them in order.
1) There is no suprise that when a trophy hunting guide service charges large amounts for a trophy animal they are pocketing most of the profits. My statement was a Rhetorical question. If i buy a $75 tag here in Washington and then pay an outfitter $3,000 to take me on a hunt, who is getting the remainder of the money? Not the state wildlife program. Im not saying that guides don't work hard or earn their money i just think its a flimsy argument to say that that money is going towards protecting the animal.
<span style="color: #FFFF66">Is non of that 3000 going to habitat. I know where i help guide pheasants we are planting trees and making sure the birds have a viable food source all winter and the last 2 have been tough. But with alot of time and money the numbers are alot better than places that dont take time to improve cover and food. </span>
2) I kill those cute little mule deer for 2 reasons. One, i love the meat. It feeds my family all year and it is ethical to kill to eat. In fact i personnaly feel that if a man wants to eat meat its better to go harvest it yourself than to buy meat from the store from an animal that has most likely been mistreated or pumped with things that i don't want in my body or my kid's body. The second, I'll admit the racks are beautiful to look at and i never get tired of looking at antlers, but its a side benefit not primarily what im after (not to mention mature bucks equal bigger bodies equals more meat) but i would not kill something for the soul purpose of punching a knotch in my belt, or for the adreniline rush, or the excitement of killing, or putting my life in danger. Not to mention that it puts me outside in some beautiful country for days on end with spectacular scenery.
<span style="color: #FF0000">That was me being a smart ass i will admit i eat the shit out of deer, goats, pheasants, ducks,geese,grouse.
The same can be said going to africa it is beatiful i have heard never been and a whole differnt experience than what you get in NA</span>
3) Prarie dogs. If i owned a ranch and my lively hood was tied up in the welfare of my cattle or horses and my livestock were breaking ankles in prarie dog holes than yes, i would shoot them and get rid of them like any other pest or like rats in my home. Would i drive miles away and line up on a prarie dog town and spend a weekend exterminating them just because they are 'fun to kill', NO. I don't go out into the woods and shoot anything that moves either. If i had a friend that owned a ranch and needed help with his pest problem then ya, i would help.
<span style="color: #FF0000">I only have to drive 2 miles and i do just go out to shoot them as they are pests. Also it is fun just to shoot with freinds at other than steel. I can say alot more stuff got killed when i was 10 roaming the country with a .22 but as i got older the kill is less. Also shooting pdogs from far away is a great challenge</span>
4) What makes one animal more important than another? Good question. We should be good stewards of our natural recources. Where one animal threatens the extinction of another should we step in? I think so but i think it could also be handled locally. To me its like the Wolf population that is getting out of hand in the states. Do we have a responsibility to the animals that the wolves are decimating to step in? I think so. Should we spend a fortune just to kill several animals for no <span style="text-decoration: underline">useful</span> purpose other than bragging rights or for the thrill? No i don't think we should. Emotions have nothing to do with it. Ethics are vital. It's what seperates us from psycho's. If you have no Ethics or Emotions what are you?
<span style="color: #CC0000">Being good stewards of animals would manageing the population ie taking only old males that are not helping the species reproduce any more. If you let big cats go over the lands carry capacity then problems with unwanted human interaction would take place. Then knee jerk reactions take place and more is hurt in the end. Ethics do play a small part but emotion plays no role people look at lions like in the cartoon lion king not as an animal thats needs management the same as deer</span>5) <span style="color: #FF0000">Now if they have the box of the truck filled with simba than hang them buy there balls.</span> Careful dude because that sounds like your personal Ethics.
<span style="color: #FF0000">That breaks the law that was set buy biologists so i guess you could say it was un ethical as law as unlawful</span>To sum up. I think a man should only hunt to feed his family or protect his way of life. To hunt for the thrill of the kill to ME (again i know people don't agree with me) is wrong. I am not putting myself on a pedestal as a moral authority either. I think everyone has the right to make there own decisions but i also believe we will be held accountable for them. If most of the guys that go over there are being honest with themselves they go for the danger or thrill of it. That is why they call it the Dangerous Five. I don't think we should treat our lives or the lives of animals with disrespect. Its an issue to me of Sanctity of life, both mine and theirs. If the ruling government decides through science and ethics (i think the two go hand in hand) that they have a predator problem and a responsibility to fix it why cant it be handled locally like we do in our local states? I think those guys go over there for the thrill and then to make it politicly correct, or so they can feel justified, they say they are doing it for conservation, which i think is BS. We don't have to agree but i only defended my position because i felt like i was expected to.
<span style="color: #FF0000">There is nothing pc about killing an animal in todays pussified culture. It is like having to say harvest, you harvest plants you kill animals simple as that. In the end if we keep bickering amongst our selves all hunting be it big cats deer birds will not be enjoyed buy the future youth. We need a strong front to combat the likes of peta and hsus. We can all have our beliefs of what we like and dont but in the end if we start taking a little here and a little there in the end we will have nothing left. Dont take this as a personal attack just a discusion on the internet i am sure on 99% of other things outdoors i would agree with you. It is also fun to have a discusion on different points of view some times. Another thing i will agree with i love a set of big muley antlers.</span>
p.s. I only commented on this subject further after getting the green light from the OP. </div></div>