Shooter App Issue?


Full Member
Jun 2, 2011
So here is the issue, you can "true" your velocity by entering adjustments made, the only problem is there is no negative (-) on the number pad used to enter the corrections (android version, galaxy s4) there fore you can only enter positive (+) corrections.........well what if im low? i need to enter negative or low corrections. Any ideas? What am I not doing right? Im no scientist but im also not a paste eater.

Please help me out fellas
I'm running the iPhone version but I would have thought they'd be the same? The velocity calibration in mine allows you to plug in the distance and the actual adjustment used (say it told you 32 MOA and you actually needed 33.5 MOA you just correct to 33.5 MOA).

I'm using Shooter on the Iphone. I can enter a negative number but it does not calibrate. It seems to not calibrate at distances less than your zero. I changed my zero in the app so I could enter a positive number to calibrate then changed it back.
You do not have to enter a negative number on the velocity calibration. It already knows the correction it told. It wants you to input the actual hold you finally used to hit your target. That's not a negative number. told you to use 6.8's low.
So you input "Distance" 800 "Adjusted" 7.0
Then hit calibrate.
You do not have to enter a negative number on the velocity calibration. It already knows the correction it told. It wants you to input the actual hold you finally used to hit your target. That's not a negative number. told you to use 6.8's low.
So you input "Distance" 800 "Adjusted" 7.0
Then hit calibrate.

This is a perfect, clear concise answer... Well said..
For I phone it's on the table/solution/graph page. You press the icon for emailing a dope sheet and there is a selection for velocity calibration. Should be similar for android.
This was an issue I had with it, I still have it but I went to Strelok and then the Strelok + and also Strelok Pro, because the charts are in black and white, and if I set a zero at 100yds or 200yds etc I still get the right corrections for the distances between me and the zero weather they be plus or minus. and the best part about it theres No sub pages hidden within a page and if i want to know the adjustments for a new distance all I do is put the distance in the front page and all the adjustment are there in under 1 to 2 seconds as fast as i can press the buttons,

hope this helps ,,,John
SHOOTER for Android does not have trajectory calibration. Only on iOS.

Strelok Plus has it. Is that what you are talking about?

Shooter has a velocity calibration..... I promise

Input range and then actual gathered data to achieve a hit at that range. (the same way others described it earlier).

Is on the data input screen. Select rifle, select ammo.. next screen has atmospherics and range info.. hit menu.. velocity calibration..... done.
Very interesting. My Toshiba Thrive Android tablet has it on the menu, but my HTC EVO4 does not have the Velocity Calibration menu item.

The menu on my phone under setting is Calculate Distance, Get look angle, Get Target azimuth, Station Atmosphere, and Kestrel Atmosphere.

The menu on my table has Velocity Calculation, Calculate Distance, Get look angle, Get Target azimuth, Station Atmosphere.

Sorry for doubting, but it is missing from my phones menu. (pulling hair)

Thanks everyone!!!
My Tablet is running Ver 1.7.6

My phone is running Ver

Both came from the same Google Play Store and both have the same date. I cleared the cache on the Play Store and uninstalled my app on my phone and its the same one.

I have emailed asking how to update to 1.7.6 on my phone.

Thank you everyone and sorry for trouble. I just hope they can give me a fix. My OS and Firmware are within the requirements. SO we will see!
Well that was fast. My phone is not supported for ver 1.7.6. I guess I was reading the requirements for Shit! I will buy a dedicated small android device.

ok i understand if your low but what if at 700 yards your high you need negative numbers dont you? ex at 700 app says hold 5 mils im 10 inches high to validate velocity i need to enter a negative number to come down dont i??????? i got it if im low thats understood its if im high
ok just read jagged77 post again thanks i understand what your saying is you dont need negatives because your entering you true hold so even if your high your not entering the correction down your entering your hold ie held 33.5 mils actual was 32.7 go it
Trevor, I have a 223 that I have zeroed at 300. When I tried to calibrate at varying distances it would not work for distances less than my zero, which require a hold under. I suspect there is a good reason for that but I do not know what it is.
I cant show you the tables layout of my setup coz I dont understand the import system here, Its far to over the top and when you try to a add file boxes pop up, why the hell cant it be just like the attach button when you send an email,

On mine if I zero at 200yds all the ranges before the Zero are shown as + and all the one after are just listed as come ups. same as Coriolis and SD are either L/R or +/- and if I change the zero then it will recalibrate its self and show me the new Trajectories.

On the front page of the app I can type in the distance and I get an instant solution with no messing or waiting, And for Someone in a dangerous predicament Speed would be more important. All you do is enter the distance and hit calculate jobe done,,,

No box for powder load.
My question, if I wasn't clear is this-when I use the solution to get projected solution at varying distances, and they are off and I go into the velocity calibration screen from the table view, and I enter the actual elevations used it gives a corrected muzzle velocity.
Now do I have to go into the load selected and modify the original velocity, or does it edit it automatically?
No box for powder load.
My question, if I wasn't clear is this-when I use the solution to get projected solution at varying distances, and they are off and I go into the velocity calibration screen from the table view, and I enter the actual elevations used it gives a corrected muzzle velocity.
Now do I have to go into the load selected and modify the original velocity, or does it edit it automatically?

Sorry Mate,, I was having one of my NumbNuts Moments As Jagged 77 Said (thankyou Jagged 77)

It should do it Automatically and the only times I have found that its wrong is when I entered Station Pressure in the weather box and then I was fool enough to enter an Altitude ( Only ever did it Once ) and thats where I was high or low. Thats why I chrono randomly just to make sure that I have the right data,
