
Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Apr 25, 2018
When shooting for group 5 shot or 10 shot
Do you rest after each group if you do how long to let the barrel cool
Reason why someone talked about carbon rapped barrel's
when you shoot a match they take a break to score results .
Does heat affect accuracy After you get the barrel hot
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Easy test for ya' mrt.
Grab 2 boxes of decent ammo, same lot number.
Set up on the bench at 50 yards.
Set y'er chronograph up out front.
Set 2 aimpoints on the target about 6 inches apart.
Send 50 shots at aimpoint 1 with no delays.
Chamber, aim, fire, repeat. Record chrony data.
Then send 50 at aimpoint 2.
5 shots, then wait 5 minutes, repeat. Record chrony data.
2 aimpoints, 2 fifty shot groups.
Compare 50 shot group sizes.
Let us know how that works out.
Ammo quality had more effect than barrel temps when I tried it. :D