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SHTF ammo?

Agree but if you going to buy why not get something accurate and workable in most twist rates. 55 grain seems to be the all around weight for 223?
For true SHTF whatever is cheapest and stores the best.

In a true SHTF scenario we would be taken back the the 1800's where merely punching a hole in flesh is catastrophic with no or limited antibiotics and medical care. Our modern medicine relies on so much technology that anything more than dressing wounds would be virtually impossible.
If you were going to purchase some 223 or 308 what would you purchase for all around use?
What Is your life or those you love worth? Another thing to remember once you pull the trigger you just announced to the world your out there. In a true SHTF, subsonics an a can plus the skill level to 400yds will be worth more than gold. When people start dropping an all they hear is the bullet impact, the psychological effect breaks their will to move forward real quick.
Yes Highspeed ammo has it's place, but not near as much as subs being used properly. Being the bull in a china shop is not the be all most adhere to. IN a SHFT event, Noise will attract unwanted attention. Tactics an quietness will get you much farther than being loud, but be ready to break everything if the events call for it.
Up to this point I have stockpiled M855, but I recently took up reloading and plan on gradually adding some 75 gr bthp handloads. If I didn't handload though I would consider Hornady 75 gr bthp Steelmatch ammo for a cheap round with better terminal ballistics than any 55/62 gr fmj round. The Prvi Partizan 75 gr bthp would also be a good choice. It costs a little more per round but is brass cased instead of steel cased.
Frontier 55 and IMI 168 Semi Auto Match. Each load's drops conform precisely to the 223 and 308 Bushnell AR Drop Zone BDC aiming points out to at least 300yd. Combine them with an LR600 LRF and things get damned accurate.

Handloads, 24" 5.56 barrel, 1/9" twist, HDY 75 HPBT Match over 23.5-23.7gr, good for both 24" bolt and 24" AR. 52SMK and 26.0gr Varget for SR/MR distances. 308 24", 1:10" barrel, 168SMK 44.5gr IMR-4064. Still working on 178 ELD-X, but 175SMK's and 42.2 IMR-4064 are golden. I am finding more pressure from the 178's when loaded with 175 loads, so be careful about starting low (at least 2gr), and working up.

Disclaimer: Steel cased loads and such may not be an ideal cuppa tea, but when you're down to the bottom of the barrel and you're constrained to use your own barter loads, don't turn up your nose. Some of the steel cased stuff (i.e. 55 TulAmmo), were loaded with Boxer priming, and as such, may be reloaded.

Big Caveat, though, the case capacity falls quite short of conventional .223/5.56.

Positives; the necks seldom split, the cases seldom grow, and the primer pockets seldom expand.

I treat these cases as a wildcat, somewhere between the 222 and 223 case capacity, maybe 1-1.5gr less powder capacity than the 223. It can be somewhat frustrating trying to develop a load that both shoots well and operates (locks back) the AR; this requires working at high pressures, and I assume no responsibility for consequences when doing that.

I have made 75gr match loads using 75gr HPBT Match and 23.5gr of Varget, and reloaded up to five times with no visible issues.

They function as normal in my ARs and are as accurate as my brass cased 223/75 Match loads. But I also think they are right up at the ragged edge of being overloads, and probably a bit beyond that, actually.

In a killer storm, any port can be a blessing. My bottom line advice, don't do this, and if you do, wait until all other options are unavailable.

IMHO this entire topic smacks of paranoid schizophrenia, but ignoring possibilities is just plain moronic. If you prep, prep like it's for real. I did the above work mostly for the benefit of others. My age, health, and utter dependence on a convoluted supply line for essential meds tend to make optimism in adversity a bit of a cruel joke for the likes of myself. But you good folks don't need to deal with such. So gather thine acorns where ye may.

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WOW...awesome information. I have Green Tip and M118LR but wanted to get a few more rounds. I have a case of the Wolf ammo and it works really well was just wondering what others were using. 77 Match ammo need a specific twist rate from my experience but the 55-62 grains seems to work well but maybe something that doesn't corrode?
If your wanting all around ammo I'd be looking for either BTHP's or jacketed soft points... 62 gr green tip would be last on the list.

My collection includes 62gr bthp and IMI razor core in 69gr & 77gr for the 223/5.56 and 175gr for the 308.
If your wanting all around ammo I'd be looking for either BTHP's or jacketed soft points... 62 gr green tip would be last on the list.

My collection includes 62gr bthp and IMI razor core in 69gr & 77gr for the 223/5.56 and 175gr for the 308.

+1 on green tip. Green tip is hard to rotate through because I can't shoot steel with it at any range it's useful.
One thing I didn't see glancing over the answers above, was the dependability factor. This is SHTF ammo. Not range ammo, not practice ammo. So handloading is out in my book. You're gonna want stuff that's cannalured, crimped primers, sealed primers and necks. Stuff that's going to go bang even though it's been stored 10 years. LC m855. M193. M262. Brown tip.
I really like the offerings from Magtech in various bullet weghts.
I seriously doubt that ammo is going to get any cheaper than it is right now. Buy it, buy lots of it, buy it soon. In 6 or 12 months, you'll be kicking yourself if you don't. A person can't reload for any less than loaded ammo is going for right now, particularly .223 and 9mm.

SG Ammo
For my mindset in my AO if I can plan for two cals: (rural SD)

XM193 for 556
-if I am shooting with this rifle there is not a significant amount of surprise and/or distance from the enemy.

M117LR for 7.62
-if I am shooting with this (ar10/AI) I want a first round hit or accurate poa hits beyond 400yds.

Had to pick one? I’d go with mk262 as it may be the best of all worlds when it comes to weapon/capability/commonality/load out weight.
I guess .30 cal..... .


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both 223 and 308 as well as 22lr and 22 mag . the 22's cause they would not make as much noise and are easy to make quiet with stuff from around the house. and a lot of dems to feed to the zombies like throwing crackers to ducks
One thing I didn't see glancing over the answers above, was the dependability factor. This is SHTF ammo. Not range ammo, not practice ammo. So handloading is out in my book. You're gonna want stuff that's cannalured, crimped primers, sealed primers and necks. Stuff that's going to go bang even though it's been stored 10 years. LC m855. M193. M262. Brown tip.
I really like the offerings from Magtech in various bullet weghts.
10 years? Ammo can last 100+ years.

JMO, but if you want reliability I would stick with a big name like federal hornady etc and test the lots of ammo.
I seriously doubt that ammo is going to get any cheaper than it is right now. Buy it, buy lots of it, buy it soon. In 6 or 12 months, you'll be kicking yourself if you don't. A person can't reload for any less than loaded ammo is going for right now, particularly .223 and 9mm.

SG Ammo
Add target sports with the membership to that list
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I picked up a couple of rounds of 22 Sub sonic and 40 grain HP. Just going to add a few more 223, 308, 9mm.

But isn't a 6.5Creedmoor and a box of ammo all a guy will ever need!!!lol
This is SHTF ammo. Not range ammo, not practice ammo. So handloading is out in my book. You're gonna want stuff that's cannalured, crimped primers, sealed primers and necks. Stuff that's going to go bang even though it's been stored 10 years.
I trust my handloads more than factory stuff myself, as I still shoot stuff I reloaded in the 60s an it still does what it's supposed to do. I've had many lots of Factory over the years that were pure hit an miss quality as well as going bang. A every once in a while I've had lots that had a lot of bang in them, to the point of recall.

A person can't reload for any less than loaded ammo is going for right now,
Home rolled cast subs are about 6-8 cents a pop depending chambering, not counting time
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Personally I keep a boatload of Speer Gold Dot 62gr SP .223, and Speer Gold Dot 124gr 9mm GDHP on hand sealed up. Quality ammo not too expensive. Works for me, I just buy it in bulk.
Yeah.....whoever said handloading is out doesnt know their head from a hole in the ground.

So let me get this straight.... you folks trust strangers to make your ammo more than you trust yourself? You are fuggin insane....and far too trusting of others; or you are inept AF and you know it.

as far as being able to buy as cheap as loading? Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Go try to sell that shit to the Navy....cause the Army aint buying it.
Yeah.....whoever said handloading is out doesnt know their head from a hole in the ground.

So let me get this straight.... you folks trust strangers to make your ammo more than you trust yourself? You are fuggin insane....and far too trusting of others; or you are inept AF and you know it.

as far as being able to buy as cheap as loading? Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Go try to sell that shit to the Navy....cause the Army aint buying it.
Operation Eldest Son proved to work. A similar operation could be mandated by uncle to stick bullets in bore 's. How many could get them out on their own? let alone the psychological effect it would have.
Re: Norma tac223. Showed up today. Something I didn't think about was packaging. The boxes are very bulky. It probably takes up twice the room of 420rd ammo cans.