Hey Guys and Gals,
The 2014 JC Steel Tactical Rifle Summer shootout will host 35 of the best shooters from across the northwest.
Registration will be on our website shopping cart, On Monday, May 12th at 7PM. First come first serve. jcsteeltargets.com, then click on the store tab. $65 is the match fee.
It will take place Sunday July 20th 2014. Start time 9am, finish about 4pm.
Roughly 8 stages, 100 rifle rounds with barricades, rooftops, and natural terrain in Eastern Washington, and shots out to 1250 yards.
Trophies will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Will be no prize table unless unsolicited prizes come in.
Competitors will be provided lunch during the event, As well as plenty of water/sports drinks.
Max 35 shooters, first come first serve.
Dry camping is available for $5 per person per night here on the ranch. Tent or RV is just fine.
***Also have a guest house available at $30 a person/per night, max 6 people. Nice accommodations, beds, showers, kitchen etc. and you will be together sharing the house. First come first serve on this as well. Email or call me to reserve.
Excited to see you all out here.