• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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Member Link Up SHWW Group

Re: SHWW Group

The GPS cords are fine. That will lead them to a clear cut with only about 300 yds to work with. Unless they know the area, they will be lost big time looking for long range.
Greensville NC huh... Remind me not to use Google Maps. What about 122* W is on the EAST coast....
Re: SHWW Group

I got nc when I plugged em in too. Fortunately I talked to you on the phone so I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going
Re: SHWW Group

If you go to Acme Wa. on Google Earth, & look a few miles NE you can find it easily with the GPS cords I gave out. I'd be kinda mad if Google Maps did that to me. Like I said. What part of 122* West is on the East coast.
Anyway. I'll be finishing up with the purchasing of food, etc. for BSC II tomorrow, & will be leaving Fri to get things set up. You have my cell# so give me a call with any questions. See you up there.
Re: SHWW Group

While I am packing....

Does any SHWW member that will be at BSC II have a need/want for RL22? I have around 8lbs, $20 per pound down to the 1/2 pound.....looking to swap cash or trade for one jug.

I will have actual weight tomarrow.

Beans Fixin' have been acquired
Re: SHWW Group

Yup. I got a 5/8" thick silohette that can be as close as 1800 yds, or as far as 2000 yds, & another is possible @ 3000 yds. Nothing in between tho. Just the lay of the land. Some clearing will be needed but not much.
Re: SHWW Group

Well, I hope everyone made it home OK. I just got in after doing a little shooting @ the #8, & #9 stages. I put all the good steel away, & I'm bushed. But Here's how the #'s stacked up:

1st place went to Pat M
2nd place went to JCVibby
3rd place went to MayDay.
4th place went to 1911Fan.

Thanks to all who showed up to shoot, & a special thanks to all the volunteer RSO's for their efforts.
A huge thanks to my friend Ed who volunteered to help me set everything up, & he also provided transportation back to base for the competitors.
Last, an apology to all those who got spanked by my course. My first one was too easy, this one was too hard, so my next one will be just right...I promise.
I'll get pics, & possible a vid up as soon as I can get it all downloaded, & post them up.
Also a big thanks to Benchmark Barrels, & Impact Data Books for sponsoring the prizes. Too bad you guys couldn't make it.
Re: SHWW Group

thanks for putting it on jeff, i had a blast for it being my first match. and thanks to all the RSO's who helped, you guys did a great job. i met a bunch of great people, and learned a hell of a lot.
it is official. i am addicted to this kind of shooting, and looking for more matches down the road.
Re: SHWW Group

To Jeff and all the others who both helped and participated,
Thank you for all of your hard work.
I will say that the course was sobering expierience but I had a good time and learned alot.
as a personal note I have no idea what I am doing wrong mill ranging but I was consistantly off.
Re: SHWW Group

Dafar. What reticle are you using? I know that on my old Lupy the mil dots were not accurate, so until I measured them out @ 100 yds I couldn't range with them to save my life. My 6.5-20 was 1/2 size on 20X (dots were 1/8th mil, & spaced 1/2 mil apart), but was right on @ 12X.
Re: SHWW Group

Had a good day of shooting (the rifle knows it's job) and the driver (me) did my part by not screwing up too much. Realy glad the weather held and got to shoot with my buddies and me new faces. Thank you for setting up a fun & challenging match.

got home Saturday- 1/2 hr later i was no the road to Wala Wala - just got back today Monday, 7pm (i'm tired)

Got some pictures to post tomarrow.
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mayday</div><div class="ubbcode-body">thanks for putting it on jeff, i had a blast for it being my first match. and thanks to all the RSO's who helped, you guys did a great job. i met a bunch of great people, and learned a hell of a lot.
it is official. i am addicted to this kind of shooting, and looking for more matches down the road. </div></div>

Brian, both those units we were talking about for $400...I'll probably be near them this weekend....you have my number?

Jeff, with only one scope failure and nobody stopping to pout....I think it could have been tougher....
Re: SHWW Group

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mayday</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I take it you are loading up some of those 208's you just got
. Not this weekend but next I would be down for doin some shooting. </div></div>

208s should be here tomorrow! I actually have 60+ rounds of FGMM that I can shoot up in the meantime though. I'd like to get a ladder test done this weekend.
Re: SHWW Group

If anybody has an address for "Irish Cook" at the BSC2 Match, I have his SOG folder knife....an UPS address is all I need to get it back to him.

Also if Lucas is around throw me your UPS address as well....I can get you your Midway Mat back.