Re: SHWW Group
For those of you interested in F-Class over here on the 'dry' side... Rattlesnake Mountain (just north of the Tri-Cities) is ramping up their F-Class program this year. Below is the text from an email they sent out recently. I'd strongly encourage anyone with any interest in F-class, particularly long-range F-class, get to one of their matches (especially the state LR championship in June).
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
George Crawford & I just wanted to make sure our everyone is aware of the upcoming F-Class matches at Rattlesnake. Please forward this anyone you think may be interested. The match programs can be found on our website at . Feel free to contact me should you have any questions, or need more info.
· Saturday, May 12th, we are holding three individual Registered F-Class matches at 300, 600, & 600 yards, along with a aggregate of the three matches. After the match we are holding a informal long range practice from 800, 900, & 1000 yards for those who want to stick around.
· May 18th, 19th, & 20th the TCSA is sponsoring the Washington State Palma Championship, to include categories for both F-O & F-TR. F-Class targets will be used, and scores will be reported to the NRA. Awards will be given if we can get at least five entries in a Category.
· Sunday, June 10th, Gary Meerdink & I are holding a informal Open Any Rifle Prone match at 300 & 600 yards, followed by a long range practice from 800, 900, & 1000 yards.
· June 23rd & 24th the TCSA is sponsoring the Washington State F-Class Championship. A 1KYD practice will be held Friday afternoon, June 22nd. We are currently fine-tuning the details of this match, but the basic course of fire won’t change (three 20 round individual 1KYD matches on Saturday, followed by two more 20 round matches on Sunday, with aggregates for both days and the weekend).
Take care, and thanks for helping spread the word.
John Hauptmann
[email protected]