asked over in the optics section, perhaps more applicable over here being used on a rimfire.
if anyone will admit to using one, what's the good and the bad, how are they for $200.00?
can you get a full 25X out of them?
i know it's not a leopold, nikon, nightforce or uso, but honestly for what they are what's the straight poop from <span style="font-weight: bold">firsthand owners</span> if there are any here?
if anyone will admit to using one, what's the good and the bad, how are they for $200.00?
can you get a full 25X out of them?
i know it's not a leopold, nikon, nightforce or uso, but honestly for what they are what's the straight poop from <span style="font-weight: bold">firsthand owners</span> if there are any here?