Re: SILENCERS....what is the BEST for AR-M4???????
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, Flash stared at his monitor and called to Dale..
"They're at it again, honey. Ming's mind machine is really driving them...well nuts! Dr. Pete is using words like biblical and stringing out "eeee's" like an armidillo on crack!"
Bulleyes, the .223 round is difficult to suppress to begin with. It is, in fact, one of the hardest. Having said that, there is so much good reading on the supressor section that you won't be disappointed.
If you are looking to dramtically reduce the sound of your M4 it is very possible, with sub sonic ammo you can drive the resulting sound way below that of a the .22LR . In many ways, you get what you pay for in suppression. One last note, there is inherent in many solicitations the requirement to keep .223 cans quite short. This is determined in no short part by operational requirements. If you do not have these same requirements, do yourself a favor and set small .223 cans aside and go for maximum sound supression. The can should last you a life time, don't be cheap about it. If your going to shoot .22s through it, that has consequences too. Also, don't forget to consider full auto rated cans as they are fundamentally different in design and materials. MOst important advice? Don't buy a thing until YOU have heard it as no suppressor can disappoint more than the .223.
Now back to our heros, Dr. Pete and Lone Wolf, in "<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-family: 'Arial Black'"><span style="font-size: 17pt"><span style="color: #FF0000">City of Sea Caves</span></span></span></span>".......