Hey all, I thought I'd share with you my Ladder-Test results. I've done a ton of Ladder-Tests but never one that was this cut and dry. I just recently put together a 300wm with a BigHorn Tactical action, Mark Chanlynn palma contour barrel, Manners T5-A stock, Jewell trigger, and a Muscle Brake. I decided to see if I could find a recipe for the Berger 230gr Hybrid Target bullets seated 0.073" off the lands...this is as long as I could seat them and still get them in the DBM. I know Berger makes the Hybrid Tactical bullets for this purpose but like everything else these days, I couldn't get my paws on any. So I loaded up 50 bullets consisting of 2 sighters, and (4) Ladder-Tests of (12) bullets each. I choose to increment in (12) steps of 0.4 grains of H1000 from 68.0grains to 72.4grains for Test1, Then decrement the same range in (12) steps for Test2. Let the gun cool for an hour and repeat with (12) incrementing, and then (12) decrementing. I fired each round through a chronograph and verified that EACH shot varied by ~12fps from the previous shot. There were no leaps of knowledge that I acquired in Incrementing/Decrementing or in repeating the tests...but I was able to clearly identify the 71.4grain "sweet" mid-point load in each of the tests. I've attached a photo of Test2 where I shoot loads #15-#26 in decreasing powder charges. To be honest while the other tests were VERY EASY to interpret, none were as cut and dry as the included photo...Note: I shot these at the Colorado Rifle Club at the 600yard bench on the High Power Range with very windy conditions. So there is some horizontal stringing but the Vertical stringing is within 0.75" at 600yards! Hopefully, I'll remain this optimistic! NOTE2: The photo is laying on its side to better fit your screen. The load amounts and velocities that are written on the target are the mid-load and mid-velocity for that group. Anyway, for those of you who are new to the Ladder-Test...THIS IS WHAT IT IS SUPPOSE TO LOOK LIKE
although this is the first time I've ever seen it. ps this is equivalent to a sub 0.1" (5) shot group at 100 yards!
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