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Fieldcraft Sniper detection

Re: Sniper detection

I wonder if that gizmo can lock onto one sound and one sound only. If I recall correctly there is a high probability there will be more than one bad guy shooting.

Wonder if echoes off of city walls messes with the system?

A lone gunman who stays in one position firing multiple rounds is one thing, I just wonder how 'smart' the detector is.
Re: Sniper detection

It works off the same principle as the boomerang vehicle mounted system. Easily fooled by the use of a suppressor. No way it could discriminate multiple shots from different directions in an urban environment.
Re: Sniper detection

Suppressor would cause it problems, as would report bouncing off objects.

And this assumes:
1. The first round didn't find its mark
2. The shooter is more a video game warrior than an actual combatant and chooses to stay in a set position rather than shoot and move.

Interesting, Doppler was right, but I doubt it'll end war as we know it.
Re: Sniper detection

My thoughts and prayers are that it does not find its way into enemy hands.

Seems like a first generation kind of item. Maybe as technology progresses, they will be able to determine tones (individual muzzle blast) to locate multiple enemy combatants.

Interesting device for sure.
Re: Sniper detection

Neat gizmo.
I would not worry too much about it getting into enemy hands though.
Its use more or less require the user to be on the superior team so to speak, as a lone sniper in the receiving end of all sorts of high-and low-tech warfare the target environment would be rich enough to let me pick targets without using this kind of "toys".
The main problem would be to get out of Dodge after the shot(s) and that exfil would not include getting involved in a "counter-sniper" role against a superior force.

That said, I have been giving todays mentality a bit of thought...
At the moment, most soldiers KIA draws huge headlines, massive protests and all sorts of BS from the "sheeple".
We constantly hear how superior "our" side is, and the general opinion is that every time a soldier is KIA it is someones fault and someone needs to be held responsible.

60 years ago, it was a 50/50 deal if "we" won or lost.
There was no such thing as a superior force except in specific fights/battles, the overall picture was that both sides were pretty even and stories go about soldiers using ANY means available, down to their teeth, to win a fight.
Todays situation is that we do not accept losses and we do not accept civilian casualties (colatteral damage) without realizing that those are mutually exclusive.
With boots on the ground, colatteral damage is reduced to a minimum but exposes friendly forces to danger.
Rolling out the heavies and simply levelling the place keeps our guys safe but will inevitably cause a certain destruction of civillians and property...
IMHO we are sooner or later heading towards a situation where our current superiority may be non-existing and these assclowns will be forced to swallow their "trehugging-save-the-whales"-mentality and call a spade a spade...maybe even use one on someones skull...

John - out