Re: Sniper Hide Cup requirements?
What is required to sign up is, when registration is announced, you have to go to the Rifles Only website and fill out an application ASAP as the match usually fills up the first morning registration opens. So getting signed up quickly is key.
Next the competition is a mix of competitors, but mostly civilians in the top tier of the sport. Some are LE, some military, but mainly hardcore competitors at the top of their game.
It's open, there are no divisions, and anything from a 223 to 338 is acceptable, you also need a service type pistol, no optical sights. You must start with the rifle and pistol you started with, no substitutions of weapon systems. There is no special equipment required but people have learned to carry their gear a certain way to succeed, that is a learned thing. Technically you can get by with a rifle and ammo, and pistol and ammo, and not much else.
The dates for the match are March 18th, 19th and 20th 2010 and the registration date has not been announced yet... attempting to register early puts you in the back of the line. We usually cap it at 60 shooters, give or take a few.
it is also recommended you be in some kind of physical shape because we don't just lay on a firing line and shoot. It's combination of run & gun, and movement with all your equipment. We also shoot from a helicopter, so not being afraid to fly is a plus. The last match, the competitors has to drag 80lbs of dead weight 75 yards, and then climb a 25ft vertical berm that was 100 yards from the starting point in about a minute 30 while engaging targets, so consider all this in your planning.
At the end, its usually pretty fun and most have a good time... winner usually scores about 60% of available points.