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Advanced Marksmanship Sniper's Hide Marksmanship - Shooting Reference Material


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Mar 19, 2006

100-Yard / Meter-Unit-of-Measure Method. To use this method The shooter must be able to visualize a distance of 100 yards / meters on the ground. For ranges up to 500 yards / meters the shooter determines the number of 100-meter increments between the two objects it wishes to measure. Beyond 500 yards / meters, it must select a point halfway to the object and determine the number of 100-meter increments to the halfway point, then double it to find the range to the object.

Appearance-of-Object Method. This method is a means of determining range by the size and other characteristic details of the object. To use the appearance-of-object method with any degree of accuracy, the Shooter must be familiar with the characteristic details of the objects
as they appear at various ranges.

Range-Card Method. The shooter uses a range card to quickly determine ranges throughout the target area. Once the target is seen, the shooter determines where it is located on the card and then reads the proper range to the target. Also you can label your targets as "TRP" Target Reference Point.

Combination Method. Some times only one method of range estimation may not be enough for a shooter. Terrain with much dead space limits the accuracy of the 100-yard / meter method. Poor visibility limits the use of the appearance-of-object method. However, by using a combination of two or more methods to determine an unknown range, an experienced shooter should arrive at an estimated range close to the true range.

Mil-Relation Formula.

The mil-relation formula is the preferred method of range estimation. This method uses a mil-scale reticule located in binoculars, spotting scopes or rifle scopes with a Mil-dot recital. The shooter must know the target size in inches yards or meters. Once the target size is known, the team then compares the target size to the mil-scale reticule and uses the following formula:

Size of target in yards x 1,000 / Size of target in MIL's = range in yds

Size of target in inches x 27.778 / Size of target in MIL's = range in yds

Size of target in inches x 25.4 / Size of target in MIL's = range in meters

Range in YARDS
Height or width (inches) X 27.77 - divided by target size in mils = Range in yards.
Height of target (yards) X 1,000 - divided by target size in mils = Range in yards.

Range in METERS
Height or width (inches) X 25.4 - divided by target size in mils = Range in meters.
Height in (meters) X 1000 - divided by target size in mils = Range in meters.


Your MOA DOPE divided by 3.438 = MIL DOPE

Your MIL DOPE X 3.438 = MOA DOPE

Yards - 10% = Meters
Meters + 10% = Yards

1 mil equals 10 centimeters at 100 meters - or 1 meter at 1,000 meters
1 mil equals 3.6 inches at 100 yards - or 36 inches at 1,000 yards

Height or width (inches) X 27.77 - divided by target size in mils = Range in yards.
Height of target (yards) X 1,000 - divided by target size in mils = Range in yards.
Height or width (inches) X 25.4 - divided by target size in mils = Range in meters.
Height in (meters) X 1000 - divided by target size in mils = Range in meters.


For the highly trained sniper, the effects of weather are the main causes of error in the strike of the bullet. Wind, mirage, light, temperature, and humidity affect the bullet, the sniper, or both. Some effects are minor; however, sniping is often done in extremes of weather and all effects must be considered.


Wind poses the biggest problem for the sniper. The effect that wind has on the bullet increases with range. This is due mainly to the slowing of the bullet's velocity combined with a longer flight time. This allows the wind to have a greater effect on the round as distances increase. The result is a loss of stability.

a. Wind also has a considerable effect on the sniper. The stronger the wind, the more difficult it is for him to hold the rifle steady. This can be partly offset by training, conditioning and the use of supported positions.

b. Since the sniper must know how much effect the wind will have on the bullet, he must be able to classify the wind. The best method is to use the clock system. With the sniper at the center of the clock and the target at 12 o'clock, the wind is assigned three values: full, half, and no value. Full value means that the force of the wind will have a full effect on the flight of the bullet. These winds come from 3 and 9 o'clock. Half value means that a wind at the same speed, but from 1,2,4,5,7,8, 10, and 11 o'clock, will move the bullet only half as much as a full-value wind. No value means that a wind from 6 or 12 o'clock will have little or no effect on the flight of the bullet.


Before adjusting the sight to compensate for wind, the sniper must determine wind direction and velocity. He may use certain indicators to accomplish this. These are range flags, smoke, trees, grass, rain, and the sense of feel. However, the preferred method of determining wind direction and velocity is reading mirage (see paragraph d below). In most cases, wind direction can be determined simply by observing the indicators.

a. A common method of estimating the velocity of the wind during training is to watch the range flag.
The sniper determines the angle between the flag and pole, in degrees, then divides by the constant number 4. The result gives the approximate velocity in miles per hour.

b. If no flag is visible, the sniper holds a piece of paper, grass, cotton, or some other light material at shoulder level, then drops it. He then points directly at the spot where it lands and divides the angle between his body and arm by the constant number 4. This gives him the approximate wind velocity in miles per hour.

c. If these methods cannot be used, the following information is helpful in determining velocity.
- Winds under 3 miles per hour can barely be felt, although smoke will drift.
- A 3 to 5-mile-per-hour wind can barely be felt on the face.
- With a 5 to 8-mile-per-hour wind, the leaves in the trees are in constant motion.
- With a 12 to 15-mile-per-hour wind, small trees begin to sway.

Wind Chart 2.jpg

Wind Chart 1.jpg

d. A mirage is a reflection of the heat through layers of air at different temperatures and density as seen on a warm day.
With the telescope, the sniper can see a mirage as long as there is a difference in ground and air temperatures. Proper reading of the mirage enables the sniper to estimate wind speed and direction with a high degree of accuracy. The sniper uses the M49 observation telescope to read the mirage. Since the wind nearest to midrange has the greatest effect on the bullet, he tries to determine velocity at that point. He can do this in one of two ways:

(1) He focuses on an object at midrange, then places the scope back onto the target without readjusting the focus.

(2) He can also focus on the target, then back off the focus one-quarter turn counterclockwise. This makes the target appear fuzzy, but the mirage will be clear.

e. As observed through the telescope, the mirage appears to move with the same velocity as the wind, except when blowing straight into or away from the scope. Then, the mirage gives the appearance of moving straight upward with no lateral movement. This is called a boiling mirage.

A boiling mirage may also be seen when the wind is constantly changing direction.
For example, a full-value wind blowing from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock suddenly changes direction. The mirage will appear to stop moving from left to right and present a boiling appearance. When this occurs, the inexperienced observer directs the sniper to fire with the "0" wind. As the sniper fires, the wind begins blowing from 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock, causing the bullet to miss the target therefore, firing in a "boil" can hamper shot placement. Unless there is a no-value wind, the sniper must wait until the boil disappears. In general, changes in the velocity of the wind, up to about 12 miles per hour, can be readily determined by observing the mirage. Beyond that speed, the movement of the mirage is too fast for detection of minor changes.

A spotter is the most experienced member on a sniper team and the spotter does the following:

  • Helps locate targets
  • Prioritizes target engagement
  • Confirms target distance LRF, Mil-Dot or Range Card.
  • Calls the wind "a sniper only dials what the spotter calls"
  • Calls trace or splash "Hit or miss"
  • If there is a splash, calls immediate corrections for 2nd round hit.
  • Helps record all data in log book
  • Pull's security to and from hide
Cosine Angle Formula

Angle Shooting 1.jpg

Shooting References by Lindy Sisk

Mil and Moa Range Formulas for different Combinations

Mils and Moa Simplified

Mils and MOA; A Tactical Shooters Guide
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Angled shooting
Re-posted with Author Permission - JC Comfort

I wanted to share what I have learned about angled shooting. When the guys and I started out, we would constantly push ourselves to learn more. We covered things like range estimation, moving targets and angles. Before I really started researching I would hear different things, from different people. Some folks said, you would impact differently depending if the shot was up hill or downhill (that is not true). The riflemen’s rule was complicated and took me awhile to decipher it. The math wasn’t something I was going to be able to do quickly out on the range or in the desert.

Angle Shooting 1.jpg

After some time and practice we figured out how to account for angled shots. We found we preferred using the modified rifleman rule. When you have an angled shot think back to your days in geometry glass. The pythagorean theorem is a way to solve the problem if you have the correct variables. The Pythagorean theorem demonstrates the different between the line of sight range and the actual horizontal range. The line of sight range will be greater than the actual horizontal range. This will cause you to shoot over your target regardless if the shot is up hill or downhill. The severity of the angle will exacerbate the effect.

The easiest way to correct for an angled shot is to measure the angle, use a cheat sheet to find the correct cosine, once you know the cosine take your DOPE for the line of sight range and multiply that by the angle cosine. (A cosine is a way to express an angle in decimal form)


Line of sight range = 600 yards

Angle = 25 degrees

Cosine = 0.906

DOPE = 11.5 MOA

11.5 (DOPE) x 0.906 (Angle cosine) = 10.419 MOA , dial 10.5 MOA

To find the cosine I use two methods.
The first and simplest is a sextant I made using a protractor, straw, string, key ring and tape. Before shooting I will look down the straw and put the target on the center of the straw. The string is weighted and will hang freely, once the target is in the center I will hold still and pinch the string against the protractor. This will tell me how many degrees to my target. Once I know the angle I use a cheat sheet to get the cosine. Now that I have the variables I am able to do the equation to solve for the correct horizontal range or correct your DOPE.

A faster way to do the same thing is to use an angle cosine indicator. The one I have is made by Sniper Tools Inc. and is mounted to my rifle using a mount from Badger Ordnance. With my scope on zero I put my reticle on the target. While on target I look at the indicator which tells me the cosine for the angle. With that information I can solve for the horizontal range or correct my DOPE.

With these things figured out, I am able to easily correct for angles. Some of the areas we hunt are located in pretty rough country. Having the ability to accurately solve the problem allows me to send accurate rounds down range.

Original Post by JC Comfort Dated 11-29-2013 can be found here;

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Eye relief is a fixed distance from the eyepiece lens to its exit pupil.

When your eye is too close to the eyepiece lens, vignetting in the shape of a crescent shadow will appear and shift around the circumference of the eye piece as you move your eyes around. The width of the crescent shaped shadows can fluctuate as you move your eyes. Too much eye relief; your pupil's edge is the source of the obstruction. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i64.photobucket.com\/albums\/h175\/cat9502\/1%201.jpg"}[/IMG2]

When your eye is too far away from the eye piece, diffuse and uniform vignetting will appear around the entire circumference. The further you pull the optic away from your face, the more profound this effect becomes and the more constricted your field of view. Insufficient eye relief; the source of the obstruction is light rays at the optic's exit pupil are missing your pupil. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i64.photobucket.com\/albums\/h175\/cat9502\/1%202.jpg"}[/IMG2]

When your eye is the correct distance from eye piece, the image will appear sharp and you can see the entire field of view the optic offers without any vignetting, shadowing, or obstruction. All necessary light rays exiting the eyepiece enter through your pupil. [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i64.photobucket.com\/albums\/h175\/cat9502\/1%203.jpg"}[/IMG2]

Cheek / Stock Weld - Eye Relief - [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i64.photobucket.com\/albums\/h175\/cat9502\/cheek%20400x234.jpg"}[/IMG2]

Exit Pupil - from Leupold
Variable-power scopes offer a light management advantage over fixed power scopes. As you change magnification, you also change the exit pupil, a measure of the light passing through the scope to your eye. The human eye can dilate from about 7mm for a young person in total darkness to 2mm in bright sunlight. Ideally, the exit pupil of the scope should match or slightly exceed the dilation of the eye’s pupil so that the eye receives as much light as possible. Exit pupil is derived by dividing the diameter of the objective lens by the magnification of the optical device.

Objective Lens Diameter
Exit pupil depends on magnification and objective lens diameter. If magnification is increased, exit pupil will decrease, unless the objective lens diameter increases proportionally. 50mm objective riflescopes will deliver a larger exit pupil and a brighter image in poor light than a similarly powered scope with a smaller objective. Of course, there are tradeoffs with a 50mm scope: higher mounting, greater weight and bulk, and a higher line of sight in relation to the bore line. All of these factors must be considered when deciding on a scope for your style of shooting. Contrary to common belief, a larger objective lens does not increase the field of view of a riflescope. It only increases the amount of light entering the scope, and, in the case of scopes using slightly less capable components, it will increase the “sweet spot” at the optical center of the lens, making images appear sharper and more crisp in the center of the field of view.

Sight Alignment - Sight Picture. Sniper's Hide Through the Scope Video

Parallax- How to set Up a Scope

Ocular Lens Focus and Parallax Adjustment

Length of Pull
The distance from the middle of the trigger to the end of the buttstock.
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