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Sniper's Hide presents Gravity Ballistics App

Available in Australia now.

Can you please make a new version the right way up please ?
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Just downloaded the app and went to build a profile for my Vudoo. But it appears I have to use 100 yards as my baseline. Am I missing something? Is there a way to modify the zero 25 or 50 yards?
In one of the podcasts Frank explained that it was only for 100 yard zero.

so at this point Gravity ballistics is build around using only a 100 yard zero.

The particulars on Gravity Ballistics, in other words, how the math works,

The App works with Meters or Yards, so if you are used to one system you can continue to work in that system.

The App works with Mils or MOA, the system of adjustment does not matter, it works for both

The App requires a 100 yard zero, because the numbers represent the gravity between yard lines. You can adjust the X factor Numbers as needed for places that have angles, as angles reduce the amount of gravity that acts on the bullet. If you find in your location, a number needs to be adjusted, usually the 700 and beyond if any, you an easily change the value in the calculator.

We used 1000 yards as 100% of the value and each yard line moves in from there in terms of percentage.

That is it, after that the app should be good
Just got the App.
So wind drift direction (90* vs 270*) or wind speed doesn't play a factor in your come ups when using the App to get your dope?
Thank you.
Elevation - So when you hit center water line line at each yard line you are going to ask how the 90 or 270 wind affected your data to get that center elevation strike? That's an assumption that it did. While you are assuming, account for spin drift and corialis as well.

Use the ap on the range first.
I have a question about environment changes and gravity ballistics dope. I haven’t tested this yet, but I will. Let’s say you complete a gravity ballistics dope around 75 F, 60% humidity, and 700ft of elevation, will that dope substantially change if you shot that same rifle/bullet combo at 40 F, 30% humidity and 4000 feet? My expectation is that it will to some degree? Maybe it’s relatively small, but can be confirmed with a few rounds at waterline at several distances to test?

Dope changes with atmosphere slightly, so you can see small variations. The idea behind the App / Gravity Ballistics is multi fold.

1. It’s designed to dope any cartridge that is zeroed at 100.
2. It’s pre-trued data, so as you dope, it gets better, tighter if you follow the process
3. I then take the data and true my Kestrel or Garmin Watch to use when I travel or the conditions change
4. It allows the shooter to actually understand their dope, how it’s created and used. It creates a better understanding of the numbers
5. It works with Mils, MOA, Meters or Yards as it’s gravity not unit specific multiplier
6. You get unlimited Tracks so you can make multiple version for different conditions or locations if you have the ability to dope ahead of time.

The Weather in the App is nothing more than a reference, it does not use it for anything other than to let you know which track it is. Weather for most calibers start about 350-450 yards before they matter, unless you do giant swings. That is usually a temperature based change vs an Altitude / Baro change.
Also with GB, and understanding my dope, I don’t use software inside 1000 anymore

I know my main numbers, 200,300, 400, etc, then between 400 and 800 I can just add a .1 Mil per 10 yard increments, so if the target is 540 yards, I know my dope is 2.5, then I add in .4 for the 40 yards, impact

Using the worksheet and the drop column you can know the answer ahead of time so easily.

728 yards, add in .3 over your 700, done so easy
Also with GB, and understanding my dope, I don’t use software inside 1000 anymore

I know my main numbers, 200,300, 400, etc, then between 400 and 800 I can just add a .1 Mil per 10 yard increments, so if the target is 540 yards, I know my dope is 2.5, then I add in .4 for the 40 yards, impact

Using the worksheet and the drop column you can know the answer ahead of time so easily.

728 yards, add in .3 over your 700, done so easy
Thank you for the time in your responses. I’m excited to try this out next week. I’ll re-do the sheet (I actually got the app) this winter to check variances with temp changes.
Also with the app, these X Factor numbers are averages from Alaska really… So we let you change them

Where we change them ourselves is in places like Mifflin PA and Pala CA, those ranges have angles to the targets. Angles compromise gravity so you have to adjust the numbers

If you find with your rifle, say the barrel is short, or the load is not very fast, you can easily adjust the numbers to work, minor adjustments bring the dope back into line

Think of it as Open Source you can adjust it
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Works with .308 the same as it works with .300PRC. 6.5 CM same as 6.5 PRC and so on. Worked perfectly for 6 GT and .243...

If your rifle / ammo is supersonic, it works.

Works at 25 degrees F and 95 degrees F.

Mil or MOA. Yards or meters. Florida or Colorado

Just use it, sheet or Ap, and save yourself time, ammo and money gathering data out to 1,000.

Best $5 you'll spend on any Ap. Worksheet attached.


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I didn’t hear anything?

I can check but that side won’t answer until Monday
On Android I tried searching the App store with no results.
I then went to the app property page and scrolled down to the "App installed from Google Play Store" section and clicked that. Instead of taking me to the app page it now gives "Item not found."
On Android I tried searching the App store with no results.
I then went to the app property page and scrolled down to the "App installed from Google Play Store" section and clicked that. Instead of taking me to the app page it now gives "Item not found."
Thanks for looking into the details! I just found out about this and thought I'd check it out!

I'll keep an eye out for any updates from Lowlight.
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How many rounds at each distance?

If I spend 10-20 rounds at 100 yds to make sure that the zero is correctly (perfectly!) positioned on the center of the cone of fire,
should I really send 20 more rounds at every 100 yd increment? 5-7% of barrel life?
For that matter, I'm not convinced I'm skilled enough to make a couple few rounds sufficient much beyond 500 yds.
I would think it depends on how comfortable you are with the quality of your shots. I used the gravity ballistic table on my last trip to our farm. I can get my targets out to 800 yards. It was my first my time to shoot at the distance. I started at 400 yards and worked my way out. I sent 1 round at 400 because I shoot that distance at least once a month. I then worked my way out to with 5-10 rounds at each distance. I got a second round impact on a 12” gong at 800 only because of this math.


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