As opposed to global warming, think of the inverse, the grand solar minimum. A period of prolonged cold, lasting 40 to 50 years. Global temps dropping an average of nearly 2 degrees with the northern hemisphere entering a state of deep freeze. Of course, educated analysis with speculation, but odd you don't really hear about it in the msm, and if you do it is severely downplayed.
This would be way more catastrophic in terms of human life, as agriculture impacts and food supplies are reduced and energy demands skyrocket. Not saying its going to happen, but there are many physicists and astronomers who think its on the way, centering on a timeframe of 2030ish. Interesting and when it does happen(because it eventually will) it will alter life as we currently know it.
Cap runs Electoverse, and while there is a ton of info on this subject, the link below gives a decent summary. As always with skepticism...