Fieldcraft Snugpak Sleeping Bags

Wicked Weapons

Full Member
Jul 31, 2010
I need a new bag. What's your experience with Snugpak? I thought they would be too expensive, but they offer a few less costly lines of import made bags. I really don't want to spend more than $100. Anyone have tried one of the non-UK made bags?

I don't need anything super-warm. Definitely do NOT want anything big or heavy. 2 season use is fine; late spring-summer-early fall. I spend about 12 to 15 days a year in a bag. Mostly I'm sleeping either indoors in a Morton type barn on a cot or in the back of my vehicle. No real cold weather, not outdoors.

Your thoughts and/or experience are appreciated. I'm consideering these:
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

Its been a few years but for your intended use, these should be fine. I would go with the square bottom for more room since you say you do not need the extra warmth. Their fill is inferior to the high end like Primaloft but less coin and a couple nights a year should still last you OK but I would try not to pack and unpack one much. This is what breaks down fibers, the constant stuffing.

Personally this is my fav but 3 times the coin but should outlast the others making it less expensive over time.

You could also buy a cheap bed duvet from Wally Word or someplace cheaper for half the cost and wrap up in it.

Good luck
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

About 14 years ago I had an ultralight Snugpack sleepingbag. After one year it was worn out, the filling was FLAT. I mean really flat like a sheet of linnen.
Ten years ago I bought the two bag system from Wiggys. Expensive like hell, with the exchange rate then and the import tax and farytale tax and....
I still use this bags with good results.
They are a little heavier than other brands with the same temperature rating and quite expensive.
But they have still at about 80% of the original loft. No other bag I used had this quality.
Here is a link

I used Ajungilak, SnugPack, Tatonka, BigPack and some noname and surplus.
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

Since you are hauling it around in a vehicle and not on your back, keep an eye out for a USGI system. It'll save you some $$ and do the job nicely.

On my back for winter camping a $700 Marmot goes, but for the back of the truck bin the USGI system is great.
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

I dunno, I usually shop around. But if I come across a company that offers fast shipping and great communication I don't mind giving them my business along with a few extra bucks. All to many companies offer cheap prices but they ship at thier convienence, an item is on backorder and they fail to notify you, customer service is a joke....I tend to spend my money where I get first class service.
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

I looked into becoming a Snugpak dealer. Yes they do have some nice things, but my analysis determined that most of it was a "me too" effort with most goods available from other sources at the same or better price with same performance.

Could I be happy with their kit? Sure. Go out of my way to get it? Nope. I got a nice "fly first" tent from REI for less $$ than dealer on their similar tent as one example.
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

Don't even think about the Recon 3 or 4 if your not a skinny little shit.....

Seriously, I dislocated my shoulder trying to turn over while stupid "testing" new gear on a 10 degree overnight with no back up.

Very, Very thin cut bag... and I am not that big.
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

Good advice to me from an old friend guide...get one that you can put your boots and liners in to dry out overnight. In otherwords...a square cut bag and not a mummy. Way below freezing, you need to take your footware inside with you. JMHO
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

"Real" expedition bags, like the Marmot COL and CWM (I have the CWM) have room in them for sleeping with boots on or putting the boots inside the bottom as well as a thicker material down there so you don't tear up the bag.

It is not all about one shape versus the other.
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags

I think ill get a Wiggys next time. bought a snugpak elite5 rated for -5 and it sucked, froze my ass off on a cross country trip afew years back, some where in a tent some in the camper shell.
couldnt get a refund from HQ because 'no two people experience the same cold the same way" or some similar bs. think I paid $230.
Re: Snugpak Sleeping Bags


nothing is worst then getting up on a cold morning and having to put on cold damp boots. Someone already said it but unless your hiking your gear around the GI three part bags are a good deal and warm enough for tents and camper shells with iso-mat.