Jill Biden promises her husband will debate Trump this fall, is 'close' to choosing running mate
Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is “close” to making a decision on a running mate, the former vice president’s wife told “The Daily Briefing” Tuesday.
We all know what a muppet this guy is. But I'm taking bets on if a debate actually happens:
- The network suddenly having 'technical difficulties' when Biden goes full alzheimers mode
- Some sort of 'event' happens when he goes full alzheimers that suspends the debate
- Biden's people having a rehearsed thing where they take him off stage and blame Trump for being a racist/sexest/homophobe/alien and using the debate as a racist platform
- Biden's people leaking ahead of the debates that he does in fact have a condition, but its not alzhemiers. Rather, he gets so overly emotional when faced with racism that he can't handle it. Thus, all the times he goes off on an alzheimers tangent and forgets what his name is, are all Trump's fault because Biden is so emotionally sensative to racists that he can't be near Trump