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So, what are you going to be drinking election night?

Drinking season usually doesn't start for me until Thanksgiving, lasting through the holidays, but I will be be Early Drinking this year, starting Nov. 5.

I'll probably go with a bottle of Jim Beam Black.

I'll be taking Wed. off.
I noticed that Jim Beam brought back the 7yr old black, it was gone for about 4yrs or so ,guess they finally got caught up, my go to bourbon.
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Drinking season usually doesn't start for me until Thanksgiving, lasting through the holidays, but I will be be Early Drinking this year, starting Nov. 5.

I'll probably go with a bottle of Jim Beam Black.

I'll be taking Wed. off.
Just wanted to recognize "Early Drinking".
I'm going to try this, if I can find it. Wonder if Spec's carries it.
Spec's around north Texas does carry it.

Little bit off trivia. The bottle stopper is rubberized plastic with a cork-like ring. However, the top of that is a piece of shoe leather. Supposed to be very little repeats.
Drinking game.
Shot every time a news person says well likely have to wait several days for results.
Each time a swing state suddenly finds another box of ballots.
Two swigs every time there is an emergency and has to evacuate the counting rooms.
Whole bottle when they kick out poll watchers and cover up the windows.
Drinking game.
Shot every time a news person says well likely have to wait several days for results.
Each time a swing state suddenly finds another box of ballots.
Two swigs every time there is an emergency and has to evacuate the counting rooms.
Whole bottle when they kick out poll watchers and cover up the windows.

Bad Idea.

The next morning.

Drinking game.
Shot every time a news person says well likely have to wait several days for results.
Each time a swing state suddenly finds another box of ballots.
Two swigs every time there is an emergency and has to evacuate the counting rooms.
Whole bottle when they kick out poll watchers and cover up the windows.
Shit, you’re going to be hammered before even the 1st poll closes… Good thing you didn’t add anything like
“Too early to call” or
“This is where the outstanding ballots still are” and don’t even think about adding, “pathway to victory”

Good luck, your liver is going to need it
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I think after election night drinking, we are all going to wake up to first lyric of "Sunday Morning Coming Down" (I know it will be Wednesday morning, but work with me, here.)

"Woke up Sunday morning with no way to hang my head that didn't hurt.
The beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so, I had one more for dessert..."
The beautiful elixir of sleep. Because I have to be up at fucking 3am for my shit ass job
I haven't had a snort in well over a year and am out of drinking shape, so I know I'll be hurting the next morning.

Hopefully, it's a good sore.

But I can't take that suspense cold sober.
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Shit, you’re going to be hammered before even the 1st poll closes… Good thing you didn’t add anything like
“Too early to call” or
“This is where the outstanding ballots still are” and don’t even think about adding, “pathway to victory”

Good luck, your liver is going to need it
Don't forget Russian/Chinese/Iranian/etc collusion and/or influence.
Key states
Key issues
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I have a case of Yuengling Chetty Ale in the garage fridge now... boring answer I know, but I might indulge in a 6 pack on Tuesday. I have to work the next day and I don't expect to hear anything solid that night either so no sense in getting myself all riled up and adding alcohol on top of an already tense evening.

No judgement here either- by all means ya'll do you but I just know myself well enough to know it's best to not be stacking the deck against myself that night. I'm going to vote, going to have a few adult beverages, and go to bed early.

I have a case of Yuengling Chetty Ale in the garage fridge now... boring answer I know, but I might indulge in a 6 pack on Tuesday. I have to work the next day and I don't expect to hear anything solid that night either so no sense in getting myself all riled up and adding alcohol on top of an already tense evening.

No judgement here either- by all means ya'll do you but I just know myself well enough to know it's best to not be stacking the deck against myself that night. I'm going to vote, going to have a few adult beverages, and go to bed early.

Prudent advice...if you're able to follow it. However, there's no way I'd be able to go to bed early, much less sleep, knowing the future of the country hung in the balance.
Prudent advice...if you're able to follow it. However, there's no way I'd be able to go to bed early, much less sleep, knowing the future of the country hung in the balance.
I get it- I really do. But I've been voting for a few decades now. I remember the 1st presidential election I could participate in. I stayed up all night (because I finally felt like I was a part of it) and even then, it took until the next days afternoon before the votes were tallied. But I felt like an active contributor for the 1st time in my life. Now... the past few elections are taking up until a week for some unexplained reason.

As I said before- I just know myself and rather than pound drinks all night, I'm just going to fall on my experiences and say it's problems best for my health and my career to not stay up all night watching CNN/ABC/FOX coverage when I'd be of better service to my family sleeping is all.

I get it- I really do. But I've been voting for a few decades now. I remember the 1st presidential election I could participate in. I stayed up all night (because I finally felt like I was a part of it) and even then, it took until the next days afternoon before the votes were tallied. But I felt like an active contributor for the 1st time in my life. Now... the past few elections are taking up until a week for some unexplained reason.

As I said before- I just know myself and rather than pound drinks all night, I'm just going to fall on my experiences and say it's problems best for my health and my career to not stay up all night watching CNN/ABC/FOX coverage when I'd be of better service to my family sleeping is all.

I wouldn't trust watching CNN/ABC/FOX for the weather, much less for the election results.

I'll most likely be on a forum such as here getting my information.

I followed the 2016 election on the AKFiles.
I wouldn't trust watching CNN/ABC/FOX for the weather, much less for the election results.

I'll most likely be on a forum such as here getting my information.

I followed the 2016 election on the AKFiles.
I get it- at least from the not trusting CNN/ABC/FOX broadcasts but respectfully I'd offer a counterpoint that you'll encounter the very same echo chambers on the forums here that you will with the MSM.

Just as an example, can you point to one single politician or forum that fixed anything for you personally?

I get it- at least from the not trusting CNN/ABC/FOX broadcasts but respectfully I'd offer a counterpoint that you'll encounter the very same echo chambers on the forums here that you will with the MSM.

Just as an example, can you point to one single politician or forum that fixed anything for you personally?

No, but that wasn't my point. If there was bar like a sports bar, around here made up entirely of Trump supporters I'd go watch it there. But there isn't.

I don't know what point you're trying to make but I don't feel like engaging in any side arguments when I have more dire things to worry about.

The enemy is immoral scum and there is no way to stop their cheating.

No, but that wasn't my point. If there was bar like a sports bar, around here made up entirely of Trump supporters I'd go watch it there. But there isn't.

I don't know what point you're trying to make but I don't feel like engaging in any side arguments when I have more dire things to worry about.

The enemy is immoral scum and there is no way to stop their cheating.

Fair enough-

Just to clarify- It wasn't my intention to start an argument with you, I'm inclined to believe you & I think the same way after all. If you'll allow me to try again, I love my beer but the point I was trying to make is I won't be trying to overindulge on Tuesday because my experiences say that we won't get a straight answer during election night and for me (personally) too much booze would just work against me is all. So I'm just not going to delve into actions that would work against me is all.

By all means, you do what you need to do, you aren't going to hurt my feelings but just wanted to clarify and hopefully explain why I'm not picking any fights with you personally.

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