The funny part is going to see the hoarders & scalpers that paid more than normal pricing get stuck with them when it all comes back to normal. Primers are almost worthless when they are available. Talking to my sales guy at a large distributor (you'd know it if I told you), they have about 2 years of backorders but fully expect orders to start getting cancelled by the end of the year, and a large quantity to be sitting on the shelves that they can't move sometime in 2022. I checked my last order from them in 2019, and I was getting 5k cases of cci 450's and Rem 7 1/2's for <$150, delivered. Varget was <$180/keg delivered. Yes, it was on sale with a free hazmat promotion, but still. The primers had been there from cancelled backorders from when Hillary had almost won, they were just trying to move it, literally almost giving it away. Happened a couple of times during Obamas tenure as well. Just keep holding on as long as possible, buy only what you absolutely *have* to have, and wait for the sales next year.