It's no secret that many of our "Representation" in Congress and The Senate would like to "turn off" Social Security, Medicare, etc. or at least make deep cuts to these programs that millions of Americans depend on to keep a roof over their heads, food and medicine on the table, and keep on living another year or so. No doubt as well that these Programs have not been administered properly and are probably in trouble financially in the long term.
While I have saved and invested like a bandit, I'm now retired and ashamed to admit that without that $3600 a month in SS (and Medicare) I'll need to survive the next 30 years on roughly $3K a month for the two of us. Frankly with the Markets being in the biggest shitter they have been in for decades I have actually lost $30K this year already. I can't make it without SS and Medicare in America.
I have lots of friends and coworkers all over the world. My Plan B for when they end (if they end) Social Security is to emigrate to places where folks can live well on $2K - $3K a month . I have friends who have been begging me for a decade to look at some options - seems that a couple can get an apartment (nice place) outside of Lisbon Portugal, eat well, get senior transportation (free!) to see Europe and get some of the best health care in the world and live well for $2K a month. I'd have to give up my guns (maybe) but if I sell the house and the cars and everything and move to Portugal/Spain I can live out my days without fear of starving, living in a box, or not getting medical attention I can't afford. Worse case scenario, this is my Plan B.
What's yours?
While I have saved and invested like a bandit, I'm now retired and ashamed to admit that without that $3600 a month in SS (and Medicare) I'll need to survive the next 30 years on roughly $3K a month for the two of us. Frankly with the Markets being in the biggest shitter they have been in for decades I have actually lost $30K this year already. I can't make it without SS and Medicare in America.
I have lots of friends and coworkers all over the world. My Plan B for when they end (if they end) Social Security is to emigrate to places where folks can live well on $2K - $3K a month . I have friends who have been begging me for a decade to look at some options - seems that a couple can get an apartment (nice place) outside of Lisbon Portugal, eat well, get senior transportation (free!) to see Europe and get some of the best health care in the world and live well for $2K a month. I'd have to give up my guns (maybe) but if I sell the house and the cars and everything and move to Portugal/Spain I can live out my days without fear of starving, living in a box, or not getting medical attention I can't afford. Worse case scenario, this is my Plan B.
What's yours?