Soft Scope Shade Cover


Full Member
Mar 23, 2012
Has anyone seen this shade cover? If so do you know who makes them?

Thanks Moe0820

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Jam your rifle up to the mag well into a tight shooting port and you’ll eventually ding up your scope. I put vet wrap on my scopes to help prevent dings. And, it muffles noise if you bump the scope on a deer blind getting ready for a shot. Beer coozies are cheap. If it works, Rock on. Suppressor covers tend to be adjustable. If you’ve got one kicking around (maybe too worn for suppressor use), might as well try it out. And, if it doubles as a sun shade, all the better.
My company just released a soft sun shade we specifically designed for glassing/spotting with binos and spotters. Here in AZ, we hunt and glass into the shadows all day looking for tiny desert coues whitetail, so we are always looking into the sun.

It would fit on a rifle scope as well. One of the pics shows it rolled up. It only weighs 2.5 ounces. It’s Cordura with a foam to keep it stiff but still light and flexible.

Lemme know if you have questions. If someone wanted to tweak it, we are always interested in making improvements and new designs.
