23”Bartlein 7.7 med Palma
223ai 100 freebore
Manners PRS2
Jewel trigger
Area 419 arca rail
Surgeon bottom metal
Shoots 80s at 3080 and 53s at 3600
Into tiny groups. Built by LRI has around 900rds through it. $2650 shipped now $2500
Now $2400
23”Bartlein 7.7 med Palma
223ai 100 freebore
Manners PRS2
Jewel trigger
Area 419 arca rail
Surgeon bottom metal
Shoots 80s at 3080 and 53s at 3600
Into tiny groups. Built by LRI has around 900rds through it. $2650 shipped now $2500
Now $2400
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