Thats one interpretation of events.
Whatever the interpretation, in 1947 the world's Jewish population had seen 6-10 million of their number exterminated. The Balfour Declaration was in their back pocket.
The words "Never Again" had some meaning.
The Israeli's who kicked out the British and secured themselves a state were not saints. They bombed British troops in theaters. They smuggled weapons. They looted the USA for surplus weapons on the open market. They had hundreds of WW2 vets from pilots to tankers (of all faiths) who helped out.
But they did it with a major moral high ground because for a decade prior, the world stood by and watched the extermination.
Days after they declared a Jewish State, they were attacked on all sides and, again, won. Attacked by Arab states... not terrorists. States. Again, they could claim the moral high ground.
Today, (and I mean right now today... ) they have the same high ground. Against an enemy that has us in their sights just as much as they do Israel.
Personally I like the sound of being called "The Great Satan" by third-world goat fuckers who think a return to the 9th century is some kind of a great leap forward.
Dear Israel: Kill them all. So our kids don't have to.
Gee, I wonder how many Democrat Congressional Representatives are giggling and Uulating in their offices right now. Starting with their Senate Leader.... Bet the MSM isn't covering the parties in Detroit and Minneapolis and New Jersey and DC right now.
No quarter.